Yilunn Task Manager

Yilunn is a task management app that helps you to manage your tasks, projects and routines. It is a full stack application built with React, Nodejs, Express and MongoDB.

This repository is Fronend for Yilunn project, you can find the backend side here

So far the project is still in development, is not deployed yet. If you want to see the preview you can clone the repo and follow the instructions on Getting Started.

Getting Started

To get Started and see th preview you must follow the next steps:

  • Clone and connect frontend and bakend
  • Install dependencies running npm install in the terminal
  • Follow the instructions in the backend repository to connect the database
  • To run the project you must run npm run dev in both projects



The project so far is able to get the tasks only, the principal browser is Chrome, and is full responsive.

Tech Stack

  • Nextjs - React library for building user interfaces
  • CSS - For styling components


Jesus Junco - bcondict - Portfolio