
All the config files for my custom terminal

Primary LanguageShell


This is the config files for my terminal, here you'll find my config file

Source Links


Source code from s4vitar

Puglins and Extension needed

To install all dependencies and puglins run the next command (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting


Other resources used in the tmux config

  • There are two config files for tmux, you shouldn't edit .tmux, but you have .tmux.local, still be carefull with the commands you use.
  • Those files must be on the home directory
  • Vim-tmux-navigator: to navigate throught tmux consoles using vim controle


Principal configuration for productivity and usage, source code from Takuya Matsuyama

  • The nvim config file must be in {home}/.config/nvim

You can also need Powerlevel10k for complete the instalation, you'll find my .p10k.zsh, you should probably install it using the link provided in source link due is will install all the dependencies and configure your zsh as well

  • Jesus Junco