Knowledge Review 1


This is the first knowledge review of the course. It will cover the following topics:

  • Git workflow
    • States of git, how to move between the stages
    • Branches, how to use branches, and move between them, create them, etc.
  • Datatypes (int, char, double)
  • Pointers (char *, int *) and Arrays (essentially the same as pointers)
  • Conditionals and loops
  • Argc, argc
  • Malloc
  • Strucutres
  • Funtion pointers
  • Variadic funtions

Those are the topics we have covered so far (without taking into account linked list).


Exercise 1

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Create a new bran with your name.

  3. Create folder called exercises and add a file called ex1.c.

  4. Create a main function that reads the arguments passed by the user when executing the program (i.e. ./ex1 argument1 argument2).

    The arguments has to be:

    • A string: The operation to be performed between the following two number (add, sub, mul, div).
    • N numbers: The n numbers to be operated.
  5. Parse the desiered argument to be cast from char * into int value, if the argument passed can not be parsed into an integer, print an error message and exit the program.

  6. Create an structure called operation that will have the following fields:

    Hold multiple pointer functions of the operation to be performed. I.e add, sub, mul, div.

  7. Create the functions of the operations the following way:

  • int add(int n, ...)
  1. In the main function allocate memory for the structure operation

  2. Create an array of the valid operations

  3. Check if the operation passed is valid and assign the corresponding function to the pointer.

    hint: use nameOfStruct->function(numbers passed)

  4. In the main function print the result of the operation.

  5. Return 0 if everything is success and 1 if an error occurs.

  6. Fork the repository in your github.

  7. Remove the remote origin to push and set the new remote origin to your repository.

    hint: git remote remove ... and git remote add ...

  8. push your changes into your forked repository.