Shell basics and C basics


  • Shell basics
  • Shell permissions
  • C basics
  • C variables and loops


  • The usage of any external help is not allowed, wich include: others help, any LLM such as chatGPT, copilot, etc.

  • The concepts are the topics covered in past 2 weeks.

  • Fork this repository and clone it to your local machine.

  • Create a branch with your name.

  • There are two types of questions:

    • Conceptual Questions: save the answer in a file called checkpoint-01-answers.


      1. a.
      2. b.
      • Once you have completed your test you can run ./ to check if your answers are correct.
    • Practical Questions: complete the file for each question.



  1. Whats is a shell?

    a. A type of seafood

    b. A command-line interface

    c. A type of programming language

    d. A type of hardware device

  2. Explaing the difference between chmod and chown.

    a. chmod changes file ownership, chown changes file permissions.

    b. chmod changes file permissions, chown changes file ownership.

    c. chmod is used in C programming, chown is used in shell scripting.

    d. chmod and chown are synonyms.

  3. What is the purpose of a header file in C?

    a. To include additional libraries

    b. to declare variables

    c. To provide function prototypes

    d. to print output to the console

  4. Describe the difference between int and float in C.

    a. int stores integer values, float stores floating-point values.

    b. int is used for input, float is used for output.

    c. int and float are synonyms.

    d. int is for text, float is for numbers.

  5. What are variables in C? How are the declared?

    a. Variables store constant values, and they aredeclared using the constant keyword.

    b. Variables store data values, and they are declared using data keyword.

    c. Variables store information, and they are declared by specifying their type and name.

    d. Variables store file paths, and they are declared using the path keyword.

  6. What are loops in programming, and what kind of loops are available in C?

    a. Loops are used for input/output operations, and there are two types of loops in C: input and output.

    b. Loops repeat a block of code until a specified condition is false, and there are three types of loops in C: for, while, and do-while.

    c. Loops are used to declare variables, and there are two types of loops in C: int and float.

    d. Loops are used to declare functions, and there are three types of loops in C: main, puts, and printf.

  1. Write a C program to print Hello, Holberton, followed by a new line.

expected output:

$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic 7-hello_holberton.c -o hello_holberton && ./hello_holberton
Hello, Holberton

  1. Write a c program to calculate the area of a rectangle.

expected output:

$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic 8-calculate_area.c -o calculate_area && ./calculate_area
Enter the width of the rectangle: 3
Enter the height of the rectangle: 5

Area of the rectangle: 15

  1. Write a C program to print the first 10 even numbers.

Expected output:

$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic 9-print_even_numbers.c -o print_even_numbers && ./print_even_numbers
Frist 10 even numbers: