Ansible Role: adguardhome

Installs AdGuardHome on Linux machines.

Versioning Policy

Each minor version of this role is designed to be compatible with the corresponding patch release of AdGuardHome. For example, version 107.36.x is compatible with AdGuardHome version 0.107.36. This is due to breaking changes introduced in the settings file and allows for bug fix releases in the role between updates.


Using ansible galaxy

ansible-galaxy install bcook254.adguardhome>=107.36,<107.37


Permission to:

  • Create or modify users/groups
  • Create or modify required directories

Role Variables

A non-exhuastive list of available variables is listed below, along with their default vaules. For a list of variables available for the AdguardHome configuration file please see templates/AdGuardHome-{{ adguardhome_template_version }}.yaml.j2.

adguardhome_version: 0.107.36

The version of AdGuardHome to be installed.

adguardhome_user: adguardhome
adguardhome_group: adguardhome

The user and group that will be created and AdGuardHome will run under.

adguardhome_daemon: adguardhome

The name of the service used to control the AdGuardHome process.

adguardhome_home_dir: /var/lib/adguardhome
adguardhome_data_dir: "{{ adguardhome_home_dir }}"
adguardhome_bin_dir: /usr/local/bin
adguardhome_config_dir: /etc/adguardhome

Default folders created for AdguardHome binaries and data.



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - role: bcook254.adguardhome
       become: yes



Author Information

This role was created by Benjamin Cook.