Work in progress - please report any issues you find.
This utility 'AWS to Terraform' (aws2tf) reads an AWS Account and generates all the required terraform configuration files (.tf) from each of the composite AWS resources
It also imports the terraform state using a
"terraform import ...." command
And finally runs a
"terraform plan ." command
There should hopefully be no subsequent additions or deletions reported by the terraform plan command as all the appropriate terraform configuration files will have have automatically been created.
- The tool is written for the bash shell script & Python3 and has been tested on macOS 10.15.7.
- AWS cli (v2) version 2.1.15 or higher needs to be installed and you need a login with at least "Read" privileges.
- terraform version v0.15.3 or higher needs to be installed.
- jq version 1.6 or higher
Running the tool in your local shell (bash) required these steps:
- Unzip or clone this git repo into an empty directory
- login to the AWS cli (aws configure)
- run the tool
To generate the terraform files for an account and stop after a "terraform validate":
./ -v yes
or if your interested in a type or group for example: Transit Gateway resources:
./ -v yes -t tgw
terraform validate
Success! The configuration is valid.
Or there may be some kind of error as trying to test everyone's AWS combinations in advance isn't possible.
If you happen to find one of these errors please open an issue here and paste in the error and it will get fixed.
Once the validation is ok you can use the tool in anger to not only generate the terraform files (-v yes) but also import the resources and perform a terraform plan (see below)
To generate the terraform files for an entire AWS account, import the resources and perform a terraform plan:
To include AWS account Policies and Roles:
./ -p yes
To generate the terraform files for an EKS cluster named "mycluster"
./ -t eks -i mycluster
To add App Mesh resources
./ -t appmesh -c yes
To get a selection of resources use the -t option The currently supported types are:
- tgw - Transit Gateway resources
-t tgw -i transit-gateway-id
- vpc - A VPC and it's related resources
-t vpc -i VPC-id
- eks - An EKS cluster and it's related resources
-t eks -i Cluster-Name
- ecs - An ECS cluster and it's related resources
-t ecs -i Cluster-Name
- iam - All IAM related users, groups, policies & roles
-t iam
- kms - KMS keys and aliases
-t kms
- code - Code* resources
-t code
- appmesh - App Mesh resources
-t appmesh
- org - AWS Organizations
-t org
To get all the VPC related resources in a particular VPC
./ -t vpc -i vpc-xxxxxxxxx
To use a specific region and profile
./ -t vpc -i vpc-xxxxxxxxx -r eu-west-1 -p default
If for example you want to get several VPCs you can use the cumulative mode:
To get all the VPC related resources in a particular VPC
./ -t vpc -i vpc-aaaaaaaaa
./ -t vpc -i vpc-bbbbbbbbb -c yes
./ -t vpc -i vpc-ccccccccc -c yes
Be patient - lots of output is given as aws2tf:
- Loops through each provider
- Creates the requited *.tf configuration files in the "generated" directory
- Performs the necessary 'terraform import' commands
- And finally runs a 'terraform plan'
The following terraform resource types are supported by this tool at this time:
- aws_appmesh_mesh
- aws_appmesh_route
- aws_appmesh_virtual_service
- aws_appmesh_virtual_node
- aws_appmesh_virtual_route
- aws_appmesh_virtual_gateway
- aws_appmesh_gateway_route
- aws_athena_named_query
- aws_autoscaling_group
- aws_cloud9_environment_ec2
- aws_cloudfront_distribution
- aws_cloudtrail
- aws_cloudwatch_log_group
- aws_codebuild_project
- aws_codepipeline
- aws_config_configuration_recorder
- aws_config_delivery_channel
- aws_config_configuration_recorder_status
- aws_config_rule
- aws_dms_replication_instance
- aws_dms_endpoint
- aws_dms_replication_task
- aws_directory_service_directory
- aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint
- aws_ec2_client_vpn_network_association
- aws_ec2_transit_gateway
- aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table
- aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment
- aws_eip
- aws_instance
- aws_launch_template
- aws_ecr_repository
- aws_ecs_capacity_provider (tbd)
- aws_ecs_cluster
- aws_ecs_service
- aws_ecs_task_definition
- aws_eks_cluster
- aws_eks_fargate_profile
- aws_eks_node_group
- aws_lb
- aws_lb_listener
- aws_lb_target_group
- aws_emr_cluster
- aws_emr_instance_group
- aws_emr_security_configuration
- aws_glue_job
- aws_glue_crawler
- aws_iam_instance_profile
- aws_iam_policy
- aws_iam_role
- aws_iam_role_policy
- aws_iam_role_policy_attachment
- aws_kms_key
- aws_kms_alias
- aws_lambda_function
- aws_lambda_alias
- aws_organizations_account
- aws_organizations_organization
- aws_organizations_organizational_unit
- aws_organizations_policy
- aws_resource_group
- aws_db_instance
- aws_route53_zone
- aws_s3_access_point
- aws_s3_bucket
- aws_s3_bucket_policy
- aws_secretsmanager_secret
- aws_secretsmanager_secret_version
- aws_service_discovery_service
- aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace
- aws_ssm_document
- aws_ssm_association
- aws_customer_gateway
- aws_internet_gateway
- aws_nat_gateway
- aws_network_interface
- aws_network_interface_attachment
- aws_route_table
- aws_route_table_association
- aws_subnet
- aws_security_group
- aws_security_group_rule
- aws_vpc
- aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association
- aws_vpc_endpoint
- aws_vpc_endpoint_service
- aws_vpc_dhcp_options
- aws_vpc_peering_connection
- aws_vpn_connection
- Other terraform providers as terraform supports.
It can take a lot of time to loop around everything in large accounts, in particular the importing of the resources.
Can fail if your login doesn't have acccess to KMS
Can fail if you don't have acccess to the KMS key used for encryption.