This plugin is intended to demonstrate how to make outbound calls from twilio flex without having to do any custom work around call conferencing and monitoring.
This plugin uses a custom built backend system to facilitate creation of outbound calls using Twilio Programmable Voice. These calls are enqueued straight back to the agent that made the call. The backend system exposes a websocket to notify the front end client of changes to the call. This enables automated state management in the front end to ensure there is no competing with other tasks. As the calls are enqueued using Twiml, flex can accept the task reservation using reservation.conference() and the call from there is treated like any other call. Transfers and supervisor monitoring are enabled.
The backend system is available here and can rapidly be deployed to heroku using the link provided
Create backend system by following the instructions provided here
Create a clone of this repository and update
run npm install
create your own public/appConfig.js based on the public/appConfig.example.js and include your own account number
run npm start
When setting up the backend in heroku or local, you must ensure you have setup a dedicated task router worfklow for outbound calls and set the workflow sid in the environment configuration.
v1.0 - initial release
- improve styling to better match base palette
- enhance state management so dialing and hanging up puts you back to starting state and not just "available"
- Add alert if websocket connection is unable to connect or gets terminated unexpectedly
- link dialpad into active call to send DTMF tones