Account name:string stripe_customer_token:string
Users superuser:boolean (can add/remove perk catalog) admin:integer (can add employees, assign credits) monthly_credits:integer account:references adhoc_credits:integer
Perks name:string credits:integer description:text image
PerkSelections (user's selected recurring perks) user:references perk:references
Purchase type:string (onetime|recurring) perk:references user:references credits:integer
Superuser: -can CRUD jlkajdklfjs
Admin: -account creator is automatically made an admin -can CRUD users in their account -can assign credits to users on their account -can assign admins
Any User: -can CRUD their own PerkSelections, up to their monthly_credits limit -can CRUD one time perk purchase
Guest: -Sign up for account (user accepts_nested_resources_for :account - name, stripe cc info)
-Homejoy -Netflix -Uber -Spotify -Dry cleaning? -Peapod -Mass transit cards -Gym membership -Grubhub
-Starbucks -iTunes gift card -Amazon -Chipotle