
Sponge-based cryptographic algorithms

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Bash: sponge-based cryptographic algorithms


What is Bash?

Bash is a series of cryptographic algorithms that follow the Sponge-Based Crypto paradigm and are based on the sponge function Bash-f. This function is a permutation over binary strings of length 1536.

Bash algorithms are standardized in Belarus.


The first version of the Bash standard, STB 34.101.77, was released in 2016. This version defines:

  • bash-f — the algorithm of Bash-f;
  • bash-hash — hashing.

In bash-hash, sponge-based hashing in the overwrite mode is implemented. Hash lengths run from 4 to 64 bytes in steps of 4. The hash rate (as well as security guarantees) depends on the hash length.


The second version of STB 34.101.77 is going to be standardized in 2021.

BashV2 additionally defines:

  • a cryptographic automaton (machine) based on bash-f;
  • programmable algorithms based on Bash automata;
  • bash-prg-hash — programmable hashing;
  • bash-prg-ae — programmable authenticated encryption.

The Bash automaton is a finite state machine that implements 7 commands:

  • start (initialize the machine using a customization string and/or nonce and/or key);
  • restart (reinitialize);
  • absorb (input public data);
  • squeeze (output a hash, authentication tag or pseudorandom numbers);
  • encrypt (process a plaintext);
  • decrypt (process a ciphertest);
  • ratchet (transform machine's state in an irreversible manner).

The automaton is parameterized by the security level l (128, 192 or 256) and the capacity level d (1 or 2). The latter parameter tunes the security guarantees in bash-prg-hash and determines the key quotas in bash-prg-ae.

A programmable algorithm is a sequence of commands of one or more automata. Example with 3 automata:

α.start[256, 2](⊥, K)
K1 ← α.squeeze(128)
β.start[128, 1](A1, K1)
γ ← β
γ.restart(A2, ⊥)
Y1 ← β.encrypt(X)
Y2 ← γ.encrypt(X)

Here is the empty string, K and K1 are keys, A1 and A2 are announcements, that is, arbitrary mixtures of customization strings and nonces.

The bash-prg-hash algorithm implements the following program

α.start[l, d](A, ⊥)
Y ← α.squeeze(n)
return Y

It provides more flexible functionality than bash-hash: additionally processes an announcement A, outputs a hash Y of arbitrary given length n.

The bash-prg-ae algorithm impements the program

α.start[l, d](A, K)
while (X, I) is provided:
  Y ← α.encrypt(X)
  T ← α.squeeze(l)
  yield (Y, T)

Here X is a plaintext, I is associated data, Y is a ciphertext, and T is an authentication tag.

What is this repo?

In this repo, we are discussing BashV2.

The latest releases of BashV2 can be found at Releases.

Comments and proposals are processed at Issues.