
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  1. Webpack setup and dev server + server setup
  • webpack was built following this
  • webpack packages up javascript/css files to /dist, which are hashed (with [hash]) and pointed to the html file index.html created by HtmlWebpackPlugin which uses the same index.html file as a template
  • sever created by node.js in server.js


  • Following Structure from this
  • added Client (front end code) and /Server (backend code)
  • /Client changes
    • added Dockerfile in /Client
      • Creates a docker image to serve the front end code contained in dist
    • webpack now builds new files which are placed inside dist, client instance running on the docker image will read from the /dist folder and serve contents from there, so make sure to push changes to dist to your docker image if you want docker images (prod) to show it
  • /Server changes
    • added Dockerfile in /Server
    • this will be the future hit point of any backend API calls called on by Client



  • Built main interactivity functionality for tic tac toe
    • State persistence
    • Move history show
    • Reset mode


In dev mode these ports are used:

Client : 3000 Server : 3002

Making Changes to Client

1. Inner dev loop

1.1 Make dev changes

  • Make your changes in /Client/src

1.2: Test dev changes

  • Run npm run startDev to start the webpack dev server and see your changes

2. Build Changes

2.1: Build dev changes

  • You are done testing and want to begin to push to prod now
  • npm run build to build the files-to-be served, they will be built into dist

3. Deploy changes...

To Docker Image

  1. Create docker image This will copy over the built changes (from /dist) in step 2.1 to a new docker image
  • docker build --no-cache -t gamesapp .
  1. Delete and Run docker image
  • Remove any container running on 3001 docker container ls | grep 3001 | cut -c1-6 | {read imgname; docker container rm -f $imgname;} && docker container ls

  • docker run -dp 3001:3000 gamesapp

  1. See changes
  • open localhost:3001 in a new browse rwindow

To Firebase

  1. firebase deploy

  2. visit https://experiments-eb118.web.app/



  • Consider using 2 webpack configs : one or prod and one for dev
  • Create bash script to build, push docker changes
  • Determine if we need to actually build a new docker image to redeploy
