Async concurrency primitives for .NET
public Task Wait()
Waits until the count is greater than 0 then enters the semaphore. Decrements the count upon entry.
public Task<IDisposable> WaitAndRelease()
Waits (as above) then returns an IDisposable
. When the return value is disposed void Release()
is called.
public void Release(int count = 1)
Increments the count by the specified number and releases the corresponding number of waiters (if there are any waiters).
public class SomeClass
private readonly _semaphore = new AsyncSemaphore(3 /* starting count */);
public async Task DoSomethingAsync()
using(await _semaphore.WaitAndRelease())
// only 3 callers can run this at a time
// ...
_gate = new AsyncReaderWriterLock();
public async Task ModifyResource()
using(await _gate.OpenWriter())
// ... do something to modify a protected resource ...
public async Task<string> GetResource()
using(await _gate.OpenReader())
// ... do something to obtain a protected resource ...
var lazy = new AsyncLazy<string>(async () =>
using(var client = new WebClient())
return await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync("");
// first time actually downloads
var html = await lazy;
// second time gets it from memory
var html2 = await lazy;