
A website to upload and share your Hearthstone games.

Primary LanguagePython

A website to upload and share your Hearthstone games.

Technology overview

The full backend stack is written in Python 3.

Django libraries

Production stack

Replays are processed on Amazon Lambda using the Python 2.7 runtime.


Install development dependencies with pip install -r requirements/dev.txt.

Settings are present in the hsreplaynet/settings.py file. You may copy the local_settings.example.py file to hsreplaynet/local_settings.py to customize settings without modifying the versioned file. This is especially useful to store sensitive settings such as API keys. Several settings such as Sentry, Influx and S3 are disabled by default. The default database engine is set to sqlite3.

Run the dev server with ./manage.py runserver [host:port]. Will run on localhost:8000 by default.

The API is available at /api/v1/ and is browsable using the DRF interface.


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