CV for Brunella D'Anzi

Primary LanguageTeX


CV for Brunella D'Anzi

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Download BibTeX file from INSPIRE named INSPIRE-CiteAll.bib. If there are additional entries put them in a file called NOT_ON_INSPIRE.bib. To add month information plus some general formatting:

python parse_bib_from_inspire.py

Manually edit and create 4 BibTeX files: bib_other.bib, bib_proceedings.bib, bib_publications.bib, bib_refproceedings.bib, bib_workinprogress.bib. Compile publist_biobib.tex:

make publist_biobib

Download pdfs and stamp them (based on bib_publications.bib and publist_biobib.aux:

python download_stamp_pdfs.py