
I built a very basic Arcade controller using Bluetooth and ArduinoIDE so I could play old school arcade games on my laptop with a Joystick and button(s).

Primary LanguageC++


I built a very basic Arcade controller using Bluetooth and ArduinoIDE so I could play old school arcade games on my laptop with a Joystick and button(s). The code is based on the BleGamepad.h library https://github.com/lemmingDev/ESP32-BLE-Gamepad and the code example in Arduino IDE (File > Example > ESP32-BLE-Gamepad > SingleButton)

Retroarch (Interface where you can install emulators) download: https://www.retroarch.com/?page=platforms

Index of old school arcade games names and thumbnails: http://thumbnails.libretro.com/MAME/Named_Boxarts/

The code examples can be easily added to if you want more buttons or Joysticks. I was limited by lack of GPIO's on my ESP32.

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