- 0
Swift Package Manager support
#48 opened by KyNorthstar - 1
Where is BDBOAuth1RequestOperationManager?
#47 opened by GlitchEclipse - 1
- 2
Carthage and shared frameworks!
#46 opened by gongzhen - 1
- 1
Provide hook to use AFJSONRequestSerializer
#42 opened by obuseme - 3
Podspec update?
#41 opened by strefethen - 7
Broken Build
#40 opened by kolpanic - 5
Cocoapods and use_frameworks!
#35 opened by chug2k - 3
Unauthorized when upload file
#38 opened by Stefanus-Januar - 6
AFNetworking 2.6 breaks Twitter Oauth
#36 opened by kolpanic - 2
- 2
Workspace files for working on the project
#29 opened by rvangraan - 1
Yelp provides token
#28 opened by pjebs - 1
#25 opened by bdbergeron - 1
- 1
How to get user's info in twitter?
#24 opened by RajChanchal - 1
- 6
Subtle bug in fetchRequestToken
#22 opened by pjebs - 8
Signature only
#19 opened by pjebs - 4
Base64 Dependency?
#12 opened by kolpanic - 3
Crash after aborted login attempt
#9 opened by tomburns - 1
Cocoapods install wrong version
#7 opened by mantas - 1
- 5
Bump to AFNetworking 2.1.x?
#11 opened by tomburns - 2
skip oauth_token
#10 opened by l4u - 2
isAuthorized doesn't work as expected
#3 opened by ishaq - 1