
A drop-in alternative to SwiftUI's AsyncImage, with support for custom URLSessions, caching, and animated phase changes.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

🖼️ RemoteImage

A drop-in alternative to SwiftUI's AsyncImage, with support for custom URLSessions, caching, and animated phase changes.

build-ios build-macos codecov CodeFactor

Getting Started

Add RemoteImage to your project via Swift Package Manager, and add import RemoteImage where you want to use it.

.package(url: "https://github.com/bdbergeron/RemoteImage", from: "1.0.0"),


RemoteImage's APIs have been designed to make it super easy to adopt in your app/project. In most cases, it's a simple drop-in replacement for SwiftUI's AsyncImage.

Check out the RemoteImage Demos app in the Xcode project to see some live exmaples.


Simple Configuration

let imageURL: URL?

/// A simple `RemoteImage` view.
RemoteImage(url: imageURL)

/// A simple `RemoteImage` view with modifier closure.
RemoteImage(url: imageURL) {

/// A `RemoteImage` view with a custom placeholder view.
RemoteImage(url: imageURL) {
} placeholder: {

/// A `RemoteImage` view with custom placeholder and failure views.
RemoteImage(url: imageURL) {
} placeholder: {
} failure: { error in
  ZStack {
    Text("Image could not be loaded.")

Advanced Configuration

let imageURL: URL?
let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: .ephemeral)
let imageCache = URLCache(memoryCapacity: 10_000_000, diskCapacity: 0)

/// Image loaded with a custom `URLSession` and using a custom phase transition animation.
  url: imageURL,
  urlSession: urlSession,
  configuration: RemoteImageConfiguration(
    transaction: Transaction(
      animation: .spring(duration: 1.0).delay(0.5))))

/// Image loaded from a custom cache. If the image is not yet cached, a new `URLSession`
/// will be constructed using the `URLSessionConfiguration.default` configuration
/// and the provided cache instance.
RemoteImage(url: imageURL, cache: imageCache) {
} placeholder: {
  ZStack {