This project contains a custom website for Horiseon, a leader in search engine optimization, online reputation management, and social media.
The site consists of a navigation bar with links to each of the firms specialties. The main page contains brief descriptions of the services the firm offers. Images used throughout the website contain alternative text descriptions for accessibility purposes. Additionally the site has been updated to conform with HTML structural and semantic standards.
Clone this repo and view the index.html file within a browser window.
Provide instructions and examples for use. Include screenshots as needed.
To add a screenshot, create an assets/images
folder in your repository and upload your screenshot to it. Then, using the relative filepath, add it to your README using the following syntax:
![alt text](assets/images/screenshot.png)
2019 Horiseon Social Solution Services, Inc.
The last section of a high-quality README file is the license. This lets other developers know what they can and cannot do with your project. If you need help choosing a license, refer to
🏆 The previous sections are the bare minimum, and your project will ultimately determine the content of this document. You might also want to consider adding the following sections.
Search Engine Optimization Online Reputation Management Social Media