
A tool to assist with Nomad deployment and management

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Nomadctl is a utility to help manage Nomad. It can render templates using Consul-Template, manage deployments (including automatic promotion of canary deployments), restart jobs and task groups, and a few other utility functions.


There's a few ways to download and install nomadctl:

Using Homebrew

brew install bdclark/tap/nomadctl

Using Go Get

go get github.com/bdclark/nomadctl


Download your desired flavor from the GitHub releases page and install manually.

Commands and Usage

Use nomadctl help and nomadctl help <command> for help and usage. The following commands are currently available.

  • render (template|kv) - Render a template to stdout, either specified locally (template) or using configuration specified in Consul (kv).
  • plan (template|kv) - Plan a job from a template specified locally (template) or using configuration specified in Consul (kv).
  • deploy (template|kv) - Deploy a job, either with template and deploy options specified locally (template) or using configuration specified in Consul (kv).
  • gc - Force cluster garbage collection.
  • kv list - List jobs stored in Consul.
  • kv set - Set a job-related key in Consul.
  • re-eval - Re-evaluate a job or all jobs.
  • redeploy - Re-deploy a job, causing a "rolling restart".
  • restart - Restart a job or task group.
  • scale (up|down|set|get) - Scale a task group up or down.


Options for each nomadctl command can be supplied via command-line flag. However, some commands allow options to be set or defaulted via configuration file, environment variable or Consul keys.

Configuration File

Default settings used across multiple jobs/commands can be set in a config file. Supported formats are JSON, TOML, YAML, and HCL. By default, nomadctl looks for the file $HOME/.nomadctl.(yaml|yml|json|hcl), however a specific file can be specified with the --config flag.

Below is an example config file showing application defaults:

# ~/.nomadctl.yaml

# prefix is used in various "kv" sub-commands where a JOBKEY is required.
# If prefix is set, the supplied JOBKEY becomes ${PREFIX}/${JOBKEY}.
prefix: ""

# render, plan, deploy, and redeploy commands use these settings
  left_delimiter: '{{'
  right_delimiter: '}}'
  error_on_missing_key: false
  options: {}

# deploy and redeploy commands use these settings
  auto_promote: false
  force_count: false
  plan: false
  skip_confirmation: false

# the plan command uses these settings
  no_color: false
  diff: true
  quiet: false
  verbose: false

Environment Variables

Any of the config settings can also be set via environment variable using the pattern NOMADCTL_<KEY>, where <KEY> is the upper-cased config file key shown above with . replaced with _. For example, to set the left and right template delimiters via environment variables, you could use:


Consul Keys

The following Consul keys are supported and are equivalent to their related config file settings, but are job-specific:


Configuration Precedence

Nomadctl uses the following precedence order when evaluating config settings. Each item takes precedence over the item below it:

  • Command-line flag
  • Consul key/value
  • Environment variable
  • Configuration file
  • Application default

Nomad and Consul Client Configuration

Nomad client settings cannot be set via command-line flags, but must instead be configured via the standard Nomad environment variables:

  • NOMAD_ADDR - The address of the Nomad server, default:
  • NOMAD_REGION - The region of the Nomad server to forward commands to.
  • NOMAD_CACERT - Path to CA cert file to verify Nomad server SSL cert.
  • NOMAD_CAPATH - Path to directory of CA cert files to verify server SSL cert.
  • NOMAD_CLIENT_CERT - Path to client cert for TLS authentication to Nomad.
  • NOMAD_CLIENT_KEY - Path to an private key matching the client cert.
  • NOMAD_SKIP_VERIFY - Do not verify TLS certificate (not recommended).
  • NOMAD_TOKEN - The ACL token to use to authenticate API requests.

For any of the "kv" sub-commands that query Consul, client settings must be configured via the standard Consul environment variables. See the Consul docs for details.