
Send notifications to Slack from Rundeck

Primary LanguageGroovy

Rundeck SlackNotification Plugin

Use this notification plugin to post messages to Slack via incoming webhook using the Slack attachments format.


Copy SlackNotification.groovy to the Rundeck plugins directory $RDECK_BASE/libext/.


Framework/Project Properties

This following properties can be set at the framework or project level:

  • webhookUrl - (required) the incoming webhook URL configured in Slack custom integrations.
  • iconEmoji - override default bot emoji
  • username - override default bot username

Additional Properties

The following properties are optional, and can be set at the framework/project level, as well as the instance-level for each job:

  • channel - channel(s) to post messages to. If not specified, will send to default channel configured for the incoming webhook on slack.com. Accepts a comma-delimited list of multiple channels and/or users (e.g. #general or #room1,#room2,@user1).
  • title - default title for message. Accepts ${job.*} and ${option.*} context variables, in addition to the following custom tokens that will be substituted at runtime:
    • ${job.STATUS} - job status (all caps)
    • ${job.Status} - job status (capitalized)
    • ${job.fullName} - job's full name in group/job format

The default title format is ${job.Status} [${job.project}] ${job.fullName} run by ${job.username} (#${job.execid}).

Configuration Examples

Configure the webhook URL with framework scope by adding an entry in $RDECK_BASE/etc/framework.properties:


Configure the webhook URL with project scope by adding an entry to $RDECK_BASE/projects/[ProjectName]/etc/project.properties:

# and maybe set a project-specific channel