jenkviz - visualization of a Jenkins build flow using graphviz.
Tool to crawl a Jenkins site using a build url and producing a SVG output to render the build flow.
The SVG graph displays: - A summary box with:
- the total elapsed time
- the cumulated duration for each build
- a throughput (duration/elapsed)
- number of builds
- Black arrows to render upstream and downstream relation
- Orange arrows to render downstream only relation
- Build with a blue/yellow/red/gray box for Success/Unstable/Failed/Aborted build status
Build information are stored in a local sqlite database. The database is used as a cache to not fetch twice a build page but also to get information using plain SQL:
sqlite3 ~/jenkviz.db -- Slowest jobs sqlite> SELECT name, SUM(duration_s), MAX(duration_s), AVG(duration_s), COUNT(1) FROM build GROUP BY name ORDER BY SUM(duration_s) DESC LIMIT 10; -- Slave load sqlite> SELECT host, SUM(duration_s) FROM build GROUP BY host ORDER BY SUM(duration_s) DESC LIMIT 10;
jenkviz [--version] [--logfile=LOGFILE] [--database=DATABASE] COMMAND [OPTIONS] ARGUMENTS
jenkviz -h
crawl [--direct|--reverse|--explore] [--output SVG_FILE] JENKINS_BUILD_URL
option shows only downstream and upstream relation, removing downstream only link.The
option crawl backward using upstream builds.The
option to keep downstream builds that have upstream build out of the scope of the origin build (the upstream build is not a descendant of the root build)
jenkviz crawl
Jenkviz try to find downstream/upstream build using the web page and the REST API to work around the JENKINS-6211 bug.
On Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install graphviz sudo easy_install jenkviz
Jenkviz is currently hosted at github.
Feature requests and bug reports can be made here: