
Distributed state machine with etcd 3

Primary LanguageGo

Distributed state machine

DSM provides machinery to execute a standard standard machine in distributed fashion.

How it works


  • Client - process that submits state machine instances for execution
  • Worker - process that polls etcd for state machine instances that are ready to be worked.
  • etcd (3) - coordination layer providing the shared locks utilized by worker processes.


The basic process for distributed state machine processing is as follows:

  1. The client submit a state machine instance M to etcd 3.
  2. M is saved under a unique key.
  3. A worker process W will poll etcd and discover M.
  4. W will attempt to lock M.
  5. If W successfully locks M, it will call the M's registered "tick" function to perform the state machine's logic.
  6. M will be advanced to a new state with an updated payload.
  7. W will save M's updates back to etcd
  8. W unlocks M.

These steps will continue until M reaches its terminal state. Multiple worker processes can operate concurrently, each attempting to perform work on unlocked instances of state machines.


Each individual machine instance is currently serial on a per instance basis. An instance is locked and unlocked through each state transition. This model is a bit contrived for distributed processing, but is basically equivalent to the non-distributed model of state machine processing.

An extension of this work could be done to create states that allow for parallel execution. This would require an ability to describe a state transition to a set of "next states" that can run in parallel and when to join back to a single state.


Serial state transition:


Parallel state transition:

A	  ->D

Meaning, A transitions to both states B and C. B and C may be completed by parallel workers before running sequentially again in state D.


The repository comes with a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for easy execution.

  1. docker-compose build will build the necessary Docker container image.
  2. docker-compose up --scale work=2 will start the application components (etcd, worker, and client) with 2 worker processes.


Unit tests can be executed with: go test -v