zorbage-gdal: code for using the GDAL data file loading library to populate data into zorbage structures for further processing To learn more about Zorbage please visit https://github.com/bdezonia/zorbage To learn more about Gdal please visit https://gdal.org/ Code examples: Must do this at the beginning of your program: Gdal.init(); Now to open all data associated with a data file: DataBundle results = Gdal.open("sunset.jpg"); Prerequisites (only Ubuntu instructions below) Install gdal and support files: < do this for ubuntu 18 LTS, not needed for ubuntu 20.04 LTS > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa sudo apt-get update < then do this for Ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 20 > sudo apt-get install gdal-bin sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev sudo apt-get install libgdal-java Note: you can also install newer versions of GDAL as binaries directly from https://gdal.org/download.html if the repo install directions above do not give you a new enough release for your needs. On Ubuntu 22 you may have trouble installing gdal via apt. I have tested that you can build gdal from source and skip the apt-get install gdal-bin command above and things will work fine. I had to specify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as /usr and GDAL_JAVA_INSTALL_DIR as /usr/java/packages/lib If you go this route then: Find gdal source here: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/DownloadSource Find build instructions here: https://gdal.org/build_hints.html How to include zorbage-gdal in your Maven project Add the following dependency to your project's pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>io.github.bdezonia</groupId> <artifactId>zorbage-gdal</artifactId> <version>0.2.1</version> </dependency> How to include zorbage-gdal in a different build system See https://search.maven.org/artifact/io.github.bdezonia/zorbage-gdal/0.2.1/jar for instructions on how to reference zorbage-gdal in build systems such as Gradle or others.
zorbage-gdal: code for using the GDAL data file loading library to populate data into zorbage structures for further processing