
Capture shots of your product as you build it and share them with your team.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Capture shots of your product as you build it and share them with your team.

Build Status


  1. Install Node >= 10.0: http://nodejs.org/download/
  2. Clone the repository: https://github.com/bdickason/shots
  3. Instal dependencies: cd shots; npm install
  4. Install Grunt: sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
  5. Build .js and compile css: grunt
  6. Load the server: node index.js
  7. Visit the site in your browser: http://localhost:3000/


A project is defined by a project name.

For example: wall thickness

Example: https://shots.firebaseio.com/projects.json

  "wall thickness": {
    "id": "wall thickness"

A project has many shots, ordered in chronological order.


A Shot is a combination of text and/or images posted by a user.

A Shot may only belong to one project.

Example: curl https://shots.firebaseio.com/shots/wall%20thickness/.json

  "-JGQQotCb7K3SPp2_3Qr": {
    "text": "Working on a new version of the wall thickness fixer",
    "user": "bdickason",
    "timestamp": 1393103425102,
    "time": "a few seconds ago",
    "image": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_FhgfYmXyBPs/S_aa_E3A_kI/AAAAAAAAEG8/IYfVkF8Ra0M/cloud%20cosplay_thumb%5B1%5D.jpg?imgmax=800",
    "projectId": "wall thickness",


We use browserify for our frontend module system. It's similar to npm but runs on the client.

Browserify compiles all .js into app/lib/bundle.js.

All modules are included via the require command and app.js is the entry point.

While working, I suggest using grunt watch to re-build any js files that change while you're working.

Running Tests

We deleted the server, so I need to figure out how tests will work.

To run the test suite type: grunt tests from the base project directory

Do not push to master with failing tests. master must always be deployable (but not deplorable).

Coming soon: Browser tests!


It's annoying to refresh the page every time you make changes! When you have grunt watch running, LiveReload will refresh the page for you automagically.

Requires Livereload browser plugin


As a Designer

Fork the repository, follow the above steps for setting up a repo, and go!

CSS files lives in /app/sass and are compiled via the command grunt. I suggest running grunt watch while working, which will rebuild the css files any time you make a change. (Behind the scenes it's running compass watch)

compass (via grunt) starts with the screen.scss file and loads each file that we @import. If you're working on a new feature, consider creating a new file (following the convention _featurename) and make sure to add an @import line to screen.scss.

CSS is compiled into /server/static/css/screen.css.

As a Developer

Fork the repository, follow the above steps for setting up a repo, and go!

See also:


Shots is governed by the MIT License. For more information see the LICENSE file.


Q: I'm geting an error when running npm install: 'Error: EMFILE, too many open files'

A: Your operating system has a limit on the number of files that can be open at any time. To resolve this, you can use the command: ulimit -n 10480

For more information: http://superuser.com/questions/261023/how-to-change-default-ulimit-values-in-mac-os-x-10-6

Q: I can't install grunt, it says: 'bash: grunt: command not found'

A: npm may have installed grunt to a folder that is not in your path, so your OS is having trouble finding it.

  1. Type npm ls -g and observe the path to your npm files (e.g. /usr/local/share/npm/bin)
  2. Open the file ~/.profile in your favorite text editor (e.g. subl ~/.profile)
  3. Add the line: export PATH="/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH"
  4. This will make sure anything installed with npm -g will show up in your path and be immediately accessible.
  5. Save the file
  6. Run this command in the same terminal window: source ~/.profile to reload your config and use the new PATH

You should now be able to run grunt without any problems.

Q: When I run grunt watch, it returns >>Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-compass" not found. Is it installed? A: Simply run npm install grunt-contrib-compass and grunt should run without problems.

For more information, see this stack overflow thread.