
course 2 of algoritms and data structure specialization

Primary LanguagePython

Data Structures

Course on data structures

Week 1:

  • array and list (singly-linked and doubly-linked)
  • queue and stack
  • tree

Week 1 tasks:

  • check brackets in the code
  • compute tree height
  • network packet processing simulation
  • extending stack interface
  • maximum in sliding window [time limit of 5 seconds not achieved]

Week 2:

  • dynamic array
  • Amortized analysis

Week 2 included only test, no programming assessment

Week 3:

  • priority queues
  • disjoint sets

Week 3 tasks:

  • convert array into a heap
  • simulate parallel processing
  • simulate a sequence of merge operations with tables

Week 4:

  • hashing

Week 4 tasks:

  • realization of phone book with direct addressing
  • implement a hash table of words using the chaining scheme
  • find all occurrences of pattern in text using optimized Rabin-Karp's algorithm
  • comparison of substrings of given string
  • find longest common substring of two strings [working not properly]
  • pattern matching with mismatches [not solved]

Week 5:

  • search trees
  • AVL trees

Week 5 included only test, no programming assessment

Week 6:

  • splay trees

Week 6 tasks:

  • traversals of binary tree
  • binary search tree check for correctness
  • binary search tree with duplicates check for correctness
  • set with range sums [not attempted to solve]
  • rope cut [not attempted to solve]