
Access Log Profiler

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



alp is Access Log Profiler



Binary distribution

You can pick your download here, and install it as follows:

sudo install <downloaded file> /usr/local/bin/alp

Using your distribution's package system

macOS (Homebrew)

Install alp with Homebrew

  • brew install alp


Install alp with asdf and asdf-alp

asdf plugin-add alp https://github.com/asdf-community/asdf-alp.git
asdf install alp <version>
asdf global alp <version>

The difference between v0.4.0 and v1.0.0

See: The difference between v0.4.0 and v1.0.0


$ alp --help
usage: alp [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

alp is the access log profiler for LTSV, JSON, PCAP, and others.

      --help                    Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -c, --config=CONFIG           The configuration file
      --file=FILE               The access log file
  -d, --dump=DUMP               Dump profiled data as YAML
  -l, --load=LOAD               Load the profiled YAML data
      --sort=count              Output the results in sorted order
  -r, --reverse                 Sort results in reverse order
  -q, --query-string            Include the URI query string
      --qs-ignore-values        Ignore the value of the query string. Replace all values with xxx (only use with -q)
      --decode-uri              Decode the URI
      --format=table            The output format (table, markdown, tsv, csv and html)
      --noheaders               Output no header line at all (only --format=tsv, csv)
      --show-footers            Output footer line at all (only --format=table, markdown)
      --limit=5000              The maximum number of results to display
      --location=Local          Location name for the timezone
  -o, --output=all              Specifies the results to display, separated by commas
  -m, --matching-groups=PATTERN,...
                                Specifies URI matching groups separated by commas
  -f, --filters=FILTERS         Only the logs are profiled that match the conditions
      --pos=POSITION_FILE       The position file
      --nosave-pos              Do not save position file
      --percentiles="90,95,99"  Specifies the percentiles separated by commas
      --version                 Show application version.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  ltsv [<flags>]
    Profile the logs for LTSV

  json [<flags>]
    Profile the logs for JSON

  regexp [<flags>]
    Profile the logs that match a regular expression

  pcap [<flags>]
    Profile the HTTP requests for captured packets

  diff <from> <to>
    Show the difference between the two profile results


  • Parses a log in LTSV format
  • By default, the following labels are parsed:
    • time
      • datetime
    • method
      • HTTP Method
    • uri
      • URI
    • status
      • HTTP Status Code
    • apptime
      • Response time from the upstream server
    • reqtime
      • Request Processing Time (Response time after receiving a request)
  • The --xxx-label option can you change the name to any label
$ cat example/logs/ltsv_access.log
time:2015-09-06T05:58:05+09:00	method:POST	uri:/foo/bar?token=xxx&uuid=1234	status:200	size:12	apptime:0.057
time:2015-09-06T05:58:41+09:00	method:POST	uri:/foo/bar?token=yyy	status:200	size:34	apptime:0.100
time:2015-09-06T06:00:42+09:00	method:GET	uri:/foo/bar?token=zzz	status:200	size:56	apptime:0.123
time:2015-09-06T06:00:43+09:00	method:GET	uri:/foo/bar	status:400	size:15	apptime:-
time:2015-09-06T05:58:44+09:00	method:POST	uri:/foo/bar?token=yyy	status:200	size:34	apptime:0.234
time:2015-09-06T05:58:44+09:00	method:POST	uri:/hoge/piyo?id=yyy	status:200	size:34	apptime:0.234
time:2015-09-06T05:58:05+09:00	method:POST	uri:/foo/bar?token=xxx&uuid=1234	status:200	size:12	apptime:0.057
time:2015-09-06T05:58:41+09:00	method:POST	uri:/foo/bar?token=yyy	status:200	size:34	apptime:0.100
time:2015-09-06T06:00:42+09:00	method:GET	uri:/foo/bar?token=zzz	status:200	size:56	apptime:0.123
time:2015-09-06T06:00:43+09:00	method:GET	uri:/foo/bar	status:400	size:15	apptime:-
time:2015-09-06T06:00:43+09:00	method:GET	uri:/diary/entry/1234	status:200	size:15	apptime:0.135
time:2015-09-06T06:00:43+09:00	method:GET	uri:/diary/entry/5678	status:200	size:30	apptime:0.432
time:2015-09-06T06:00:43+09:00	method:GET	uri:/foo/bar/5xx	status:504	size:15	apptime:60.000

$ cat example/logs/ltsv_access.log | alp ltsv
| COUNT | 1XX | 2XX | 3XX | 4XX | 5XX | METHOD |        URI        |  MIN   |  MAX   |  SUM   |  AVG   |  P90   |  P95   |  P99   | STDDEV | MIN(BODY) | MAX(BODY) | SUM(BODY) | AVG(BODY) |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /req              |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /hoge/piyo        |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/1234 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/5678 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   1 | GET    | /foo/bar/5xx      | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     2 |   0 |   2 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /foo/bar          |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.246 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.000 |    56.000 |    56.000 |   112.000 |    56.000 |
|     5 |   0 |   5 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /foo/bar          |  0.057 |  0.234 |  0.548 |  0.110 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.065 |    12.000 |    34.000 |   126.000 |    25.200 |

Log format


LogFormat "time:%t\tforwardedfor:%{X-Forwarded-For}i\thost:%h\treq:%r\tstatus:%>s\tmethod:%m\turi:%U%q\tsize:%B\treferer:%{Referer}i\tua:%{User-Agent}i\treqtime_microsec:%D\tapptime:%D\tcache:%{X-Cache}o\truntime:%{X-Runtime}o\tvhost:%{Host}i" ltsv


log_format ltsv "time:$time_local"


  format: "time:%t\thost:%h\tua:\"%{User-agent}i\"\tstatus:%s\treq:%r\turi:%U\tapptime:%{duration}x\tsize:%b\tmethod:%m"


  • Parse a log with one JSON per line
  • By default, the following keys are parsed:
    • time
      • datetime
    • method
      • HTTP Method
    • uri
      • URI
    • status
      • HTTP Status Code
    • response_time
      • Response time from the upstream server
    • request_time
      • Request Processing Time (Response time after receiving a request)
  • The --xxx-key option can you change the name to any key
$ cat example/logs/json_access.log

$ cat example/logs/json_access.log | alp json
| COUNT | 1XX | 2XX | 3XX | 4XX | 5XX | METHOD |        URI        |  MIN   |  MAX   |  SUM   |  AVG   |  P90   |  P95   |  P99   | STDDEV | MIN(BODY) | MAX(BODY) | SUM(BODY) | AVG(BODY) |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /req              |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /hoge/piyo        |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/1234 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/5678 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   1 | GET    | /foo/bar/5xx      | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     2 |   0 |   2 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /foo/bar          |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.246 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.000 |    56.000 |    56.000 |   112.000 |    56.000 |
|     5 |   0 |   5 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /foo/bar          |  0.057 |  0.234 |  0.548 |  0.110 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.065 |    12.000 |    34.000 |   126.000 |    25.200 |

Log format


LogFormat "{\"time\":\"%t\",\"forwardedfor\":\"%{X-Forwarded-For}i\",\"host\":\"%h\",\"req\":\"%r\",\"status\":%>s,\"method\":\"%m\",\"uri\":\"%U%q\",\"body_bytes\":%B,\"referer\":\"%{Referer}i\",\"ua\":\"%{User-Agent}i\",\"reqtime_microsec\":%D,\"response_time\":%D,\"cache\":\"%{X-Cache}o\",\"runtime\":\"%{X-Runtime}o\",\"vhost\":\"%{Host}i\"}" json


    log_format json escape=json '{"time":"$time_local",'


  escape: json
  format: '{"time":"%t","host":"%h","ua":"%{User-agent}i","status":%s,"req":"%r","uri":"%U","response_time":%{duration}x,"body_bytes":%b,"method":"%m"}'


  • Parses the log to match the regular expression
  • By default, the following named capture groups are parsed:
    • time
      • datetime
    • method
      • HTTP Method
    • uri
      • URI
    • status
      • HTTP Status Code
    • response_time
      • Response time from the upstream server
    • request_time
      • Request Processing Time (Response time after receiving a request)
  • The --xxx-subexp option can you change the name to any named capture groups
$ cat example/logs/combined_access.log - - [06/Sep/2015:05:58:05 +0900] "POST /foo/bar?token=xxx&uuid=1234 HTTP/1.1" 200 12 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.057 - - [06/Sep/2015:05:58:41 +0900] "POST /foo/bar?token=yyy HTTP/1.1" 200 34 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.100 - - [06/Sep/2015:06:00:42 +0900] "GET /foo/bar?token=zzz HTTP/1.1" 200 56 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.123 - - [06/Sep/2015:06:00:43 +0900] "GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1" 400 15 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" - - - [06/Sep/2015:05:58:44 +0900] "POST /foo/bar?token=yyy HTTP/1.1" 200 34 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.234 - - [06/Sep/2015:05:58:44 +0900] "POST /hoge/piyo?id=yyy HTTP/1.1" 200 34 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.234 - - [06/Sep/2015:05:58:05 +0900] "POST foo/bar?token=xxx&uuid=1234 HTTP/1.1" 200 12 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.057 - - [06/Sep/2015:05:58:41 +0900] "POST /foo/bar?token=yyy HTTP/1.1" 200 34 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.100 - - [06/Sep/2015:06:00:42 +0900] "GET /foo/bar?token=zzz HTTP/1.1" 200 56 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.123 - - [06/Sep/2015:06:00:43 +0900] "GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1" 400 15 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" - - - [06/Sep/2015:06:00:43 +0900] "GET /diary/entry/1234 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.135 - - [06/Sep/2015:06:00:43 +0900] "GET /diary/entry/5678 HTTP/1.1" 200 30 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 0.432 - - [06/Sep/2015:06:00:43 +0900] "GET /foo/bar/5xx HTTP/1.1" 504 15 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" 60.000

$ cat example/logs/combined_access.log | alp regexp
| COUNT | 1XX | 2XX | 3XX | 4XX | 5XX | METHOD |        URI        |  MIN   |  MAX   |  SUM   |  AVG   |  P90   |  P95   |  P99   | STDDEV | MIN(BODY) | MAX(BODY) | SUM(BODY) | AVG(BODY) |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /req              |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /hoge/piyo        |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/1234 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/5678 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   1 | GET    | /foo/bar/5xx      | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     2 |   0 |   2 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /foo/bar          |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.246 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.000 |    56.000 |    56.000 |   112.000 |    56.000 |
|     5 |   0 |   5 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /foo/bar          |  0.057 |  0.234 |  0.548 |  0.110 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.065 |    12.000 |    34.000 |   126.000 |    25.200 |

Log format


LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" %D" combined_plus


    log_format combined_plus '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                             '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                             '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $upstream_response_time $request_time';


  format: "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" %{duration}x"


  • Parses the pcap file to extract HTTP request/response packets to analyze the stats
    • Note that the actual response time may time duration from the actual response time because the difference in the timestamp of packet capturing is regarded as the real response time
    • The IP address and TCP port number of the server are required to distinguish between HTTP requests/responses to the server
  • Able to specify the IP address of the HTTP server with the --pcap-server-ip option
    • This option can be specified more than once
    • By default, it automatically obtains the IP address from the network interfaces of its own host and uses it
    • However, and ::1 will be the defaults in environments where permissions to retrieve network interface information are restricted.
  • Able to specify the TCP port of the HTTP server with the --pcap-server-port option
    • The default server port number is 80.
  • Cannot be used with --pos. (not yet supported)
$ sudo tcpdump -i lo port 5000 -s0 -w http.cap -Z $USER
tcpdump: listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
10000 packets captured
20000 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

$ alp pcap --file=http.cap --pcap-server-port=5000
| COUNT | 1XX | 2XX | 3XX | 4XX | 5XX | METHOD |        URI        |  MIN   |  MAX   |  SUM   |  AVG   |  P90   |  P95   |  P99   | STDDEV | MIN(BODY) | MAX(BODY) | SUM(BODY) | AVG(BODY) |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /req              |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.321 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /hoge/piyo        |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |    34.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/1234 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.135 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/5678 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.432 |  0.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   1 | GET    | /foo/bar/5xx      | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 | 60.000 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     2 |   0 |   2 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /foo/bar          |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.246 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.123 |  0.000 |    56.000 |    56.000 |   112.000 |    56.000 |
|     5 |   0 |   5 |   0 |   0 |   0 | POST   | /foo/bar          |  0.057 |  0.234 |  0.548 |  0.110 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.234 |  0.065 |    12.000 |    34.000 |   126.000 |    25.200 |


  • Show the difference between the two profile results
  • + means an increasing number of requests and body size, and response time is slower
  • - means a decreasing number of requests and body size, and response time is faster
$ cat /path/to/access.log | alp json --dump dumpfile1.yaml

$ cat /path/to/access.log | alp json --dump dumpfile2.yaml

$ alp diff dumpfile1.yaml dumpfile2.yaml -o count,2xx,method,uri,min,max,sum,avg,p90 --show-footers
|  COUNT  |   2XX   | METHOD |        URI        |       MIN       |       MAX       |       SUM       |       AVG       |       P90       |
| 1       | 1       | GET    | /req              | 0.221 (-0.100)  | 0.221 (-0.100)  | 0.221 (-0.100)  | 0.221 (-0.100)  | 0.221 (-0.100)  |
| 1       | 1       | GET    | /new              | 0.221           | 0.221           | 0.221           | 0.221           | 0.221           |
| 1       | 1       | POST   | /hoge/piyo        | 0.134 (-0.100)  | 0.134 (-0.100)  | 0.134 (-0.100)  | 0.134 (-0.100)  | 0.134 (-0.100)  |
| 1       | 1       | GET    | /diary/entry/1234 | 0.035 (-0.100)  | 0.035 (-0.100)  | 0.035 (-0.100)  | 0.035 (-0.100)  | 0.035 (-0.100)  |
| 1       | 0       | GET    | /foo/bar/5xx      | 59.000 (-1.000) | 59.000 (-1.000) | 59.000 (-1.000) | 59.000 (-1.000) | 59.000 (-1.000) |
| 2 (+1)  | 2 (+1)  | GET    | /diary/entry/5678 | 0.332 (-0.100)  | 2.332 (+1.900)  | 2.664 (+2.232)  | 1.332 (+0.900)  | 2.332 (+1.900)  |
| 2       | 2       | GET    | /foo/bar          | 0.023 (-0.100)  | 0.023 (-0.100)  | 0.046 (-0.200)  | 0.023 (-0.100)  | 0.023 (-0.100)  |
| 5       | 5       | POST   | /foo/bar          | 0.047 (-0.010)  | 0.134 (-0.100)  | 0.378 (-0.170)  | 0.076 (-0.034)  | 0.134 (-0.100)  |
| 14 (+2) | 13 (+2) |

Global options

See: Usage samples

  • -c, --config
    • The configuration file
    • YAML
  • --file=FILE
    • The access log file
  • -d, --dump=DUMP
    • File path for creating the profile results to a file
  • -l, --load=LOAD
    • File path to read the results of the profile created with the -d, --dump option
    • Can expect it to work fast if you change the --sort and --reverse options for the same profile results
  • --sort=count
    • Output the results in sorted order
    • Sort in ascending order
    • max, min, sum, avg
    • max-body, min-body, sum-body, avg-body
    • p90, p95, p99, stddev
    • uri
    • method
    • count
    • The default is count
    • p90, p95, and p99 are modified by the values specified in --percentiles
  • -r, --reverse
    • Sort in desecending order
  • -q, --query-string
    • URIs up to and including query strings are included in the profile
  • --qs-ignore-values
    • Ignore the value of the query string
    • It's not enabled unless use with -q, --query-string
  • --decode-uri
    • Decode the URI
  • --format=table
    • Print the profile results in a table, Markdown, TSV, CSV and HTML format
    • The default is table format
  • --noheaders
    • Print no header when TSV and CSV format
  • --show-footers
    • Print the total number of each 1xx ~ 5xx in the footer of the table or Markdown format
  • --limit=5000
    • Maximum number of profile results to be printed
    • This setting is to avoid using too much memory
    • The default is 5000 lines
  • --location="Local"
    • The timezone of the time specified in the filter condition.
    • Default is localhost timezone
  • -o, --output="all"
    • Specify the profile results to be print, separated by commas
    • count,1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, method, uri, min, max, sum, avg, p90, p95, p99, stddev, min_body, max_body, sum_body, avg_body
      • p90, p95, and p99 are modified by the values specified in --percentiles
    • The default is all
  • -m, --matching-groups=PATTERN,...
    • Treat URIs that match regular expressions as the same URI
    • Evaluate in the specified order. If matched, no further evaluation is performed.
    • See URI matching groups
  • -f, --filters=FILTERS
    • Filters the targets for profile
    • See Filter
    • Stores the number of bytes to which the file has been read.
    • If the number of bytes is stored in the POSITION_FILE, the data after that number of bytes will be profiled
    • You can profile without truncating the file
      • Also, it is expected to work fast because it seeks and skips files
  • --nosave-pos
    • Data after the number of bytes specified by --pos is profiled, but the number of bytes reads is not stored
  • --percentiles
    • Specifies the percentile values to output, separated by commas
    • The default is 90,95,99

URI matching groups

Consider the following cases like /diary/entry/1234 and /diary/entry/5678. If you simply profile URIs with different parameters on the same route, they will be profiled by parameter, but you may want to profile them by the route.

$ cat example/logs/ltsv_access.log | alp ltsv --filters "Uri matches '^/diary/entry'"
| COUNT | 1XX | 2XX | 3XX | 4XX | 5XX | METHOD |        URI        |  MIN  |  MAX  |  SUM  |  AVG  |  P90  |  P95  |  P99  | STDDEV | MIN(BODY) | MAX(BODY) | SUM(BODY) | AVG(BODY) |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/1234 | 0.135 | 0.135 | 0.135 | 0.135 | 0.135 | 0.135 | 0.135 |  0.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |    15.000 |
|     1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/5678 | 0.432 | 0.432 | 0.432 | 0.432 | 0.432 | 0.432 | 0.432 |  0.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |    30.000 |
$ cat example/logs/ltsv_access.log | alp ltsv --filters "Uri matches '^/diary/entry'" -m "/diary/entry/.+"
| COUNT | 1XX | 2XX | 3XX | 4XX | 5XX | METHOD |       URI       |  MIN  |  MAX  |  SUM  |  AVG  |  P90  |  P95  |  P99  | STDDEV | MIN(BODY) | MAX(BODY) | SUM(BODY) | AVG(BODY) |
|     2 |   0 |   2 |   0 |   0 |   0 | GET    | /diary/entry/.+ | 0.135 | 0.432 | 0.567 | 0.283 | 0.432 | 0.432 | 0.432 |  0.148 |    15.000 |    30.000 |    45.000 |    22.500 |

In such a case, there is an option -m, --matching-groups=PATTERN,.... You can also specify multiple items separated by commas.


It is a function to include or exclude targets according to the conditions.


Filter on the following variables:.


The following operators are available:.

  • +, -, *, /, %, **(pow)
  • ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
  • not, !
  • and, &&
  • or, ||
  • matches
    • e.g.
      • Uri matches "PATTERN"
      • not(Uri matches "PATTERN")
  • contains
    • e.g.
      • Uri contains "STRING"
      • not(Uri contains "STRING")
  • startsWith
    • e.g.
      • Uri startsWith "PREFIX"
      • not(Uri startsWith "PREFIX")
  • endsWith
    • e.g.
      • Uri endsWith "SUFFIX"
      • not(Uri endsWith "SUFFIX")
  • in
    • e.g.
      • Method in ["GET", "POST"]
      • Method not in ["GET", "POST"]

See: https://github.com/antonmedv/expr/blob/master/docs/Language-Definition.md


  • TimeAgo(duration)
    • now - duration
    • ns, us or µs, ms, s, m, h
    • e.g.
      • Time >= TimeAgo("5m")
  • BetweenTime(val, start, end)
    • Like SQL's BETWEEN, returns start <= val && val <= end
    • e.g.
      • BetweenTime(Time, "2019-08-06T00:00:00", "2019-08-06T00:05:00")

Usage samples

See: Usage samples


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