# cs4760assignment3
# Brett Lindsay
# 3/5/16

Compile and run program with:

	Optional argument to add an int as an argument (master [int]). The number given will change the timeout duration (in seconds) of the program from its default value (300 sec). Master.c creates a struct to hold the shared condition between processes. For clean-up when the timeout is reached, a system command, "killall slave", ensures all slave processes are cleaned up after signaling each process to end. Appropriate messages for SIGINTs received, timeout, and critical_section operations are displayed in stderr as specified in the assignment documentation.

Helper files, .c and .h files for semaphore, condition, and monitor, are used to implement the design for mutual exclusion using a monitor. 

	make clean will clean up additional files created from compilation. The designated write-to file, cstest, is not cleaned up and is appended to upon each run of master in order to keep record of program runs. Remove or empty the file to have a clean slate.

	GitHub was used for version control. 1 day of changes was committed on a later day on accident. 'git log' should show the change log and all the work was done on this directory so /.git should contain all logs this time.

# cs4760assignment3