
Activity Feed Support for Mongoid

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Feed me Seymour! Feed Seymour activities and it will distribute them as needed.

Seymour is flexible in its distribution mechanism and allows for multiple delivery channels to be configured based on activity type. A delivery channel is a mechanism for alerting an actor (typically a user) of a new activity. Seymour only comes with a Feed delivery channel but is easily extended to add others such as email, iOS push notifications, or SMS messages.

For activity storage and feed distribution only mongodb and the Mongoid ODM is currently supported.

Seymour uses a fan out on write approach to activity distribution and delivery. It does not provide any mechanisms for refining the feed, it simply distributes activities to appropriate parties via defined channels.

Seymour supports several distribution mechanisms for delivering activities to recipients. Activities can be distributed immediately if desired but this is not recommended for anything but testing. You will want to configure a background processor to handle activity distribution. Out of the box Seymour supports resque and sidekiq for activity distribution but other systems (e.g. DelayedJob) could easily be added and used.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'seymour'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install seymour


Define your activities

Seymour Activities are based loosely on the Activity Streams 1.0 specification (http://activitystrea.ms).

Activities in Seymour consist of four elements: an Actor, a Type (replaces Verb from the spec), an Object (optional but encouraged), and a Target (optional).

All Seymour Activities inherit from a base class which includes Seymour::ActivityDocument. You may either inherit from the provided Seymour::Models::Activity class or define your own base class that includes Seymour::ActivityDocument. Inheritance is used so that all Activities can be stored in a single mongodb collection and so that we can more easily render views of activity items based on class name (e.g. render @actvities would work and find the appropriate partials for each type of Activity).

Here is an example of a minimal base Seymour Activity should you want to define your own.

class Activities::Activity
  include Seymour::ActivityDocument

If you define your own Activity base class you must let Seymour know about it during configuration.

# In your seymour.rb initializer
Seymour.configure do |config|
  config.base_activity_class = 'My::Activity::Class'

You would then setup subclasses of your base Activity to define your activities.

class Activities::NewComment < Activities::Activity
  define_actor  :comment_author, cache: [:full_name, :slug]
  define_object :comment, cache: [:content], required: true
  define_activity_target :post, cache: [:title, :slug], class: Post
  deliver_to :feed, recipients: -> activity {activity.comment_author.followers}

Note the call to register_activity above. This is currently needed to alert Seymour of your various Activity subclasses. This may not be required in future versions of Seymour.

The Type of an Activity is defined by its subclass. That leaves Actor, Object, and Target to be defined. Only Actor is actually required in your subclass. The definition takes two parameters.

The first parameter is the definition alias. The alias provides a hint as to what type of Mongoid document is being stored. It automatically sets up a Mongoid field-level alias and does not need to map to any actual class in your application. In the above example we are storing a Comment as the Object on the Activity. The alias allows us to access the Comment in one of two ways:

activity.object => Comment
activity.comment => Comment

The second parameter is an options hash. The allowed keys are:

  • cache: Fields/method results to be cached on the Activity. Accessing these fields will NOT require an additional query. Accessing any other fields on the model will need to query the DB to load the model.
  • required: If set to true, adds a validation that the element is present. This is always true for Actor.
  • class: Sets up a class type restriction on the element. By default Seymour will allow any type of object to be stored for any element. Setting a class requirement will cause Seymour to throw a Seymour::InvalidData error if the model object for an element does not match the specified class.

Activities support namespaces but do not require them.

Activities fully support storing embedded documents as Activity elements.


Seymour supports a flexible Activity distribution mechansim. There are three distributors included with Seymour: Seymour::Distributors::Immediate, Seymour::Distributors::Resque, and Seymour::Distributors::Sidekiq.

Immediate distribution does what it sounds like. It immediately distributes the Activity across all configured channels. This will block your application and is really not recommended for anything but testing purposes or the simplest of installations.

Resque and Sidekiq distribution will offload distribution onto a background queue thus allowing your application to continue responding to requests. One of these is the preferred default distribution mechanism.

If none of these distribution mechanisms are suitable for your application you can easily add and use your own distributor. You simply define a new class in Seymour::Distributors that responds to distribute(activity, channel_options = {}) and configure Seymour to use it.

module Seymour
  module Distributors
    class DelayedJob
      def self.distribute(activity, channel_options = {})
        Seymour::Channels.channels(channel_options).each do |channel|
      handle_asynchronously :distribute # DelayedJob method

# In your seymour.rb initializer
Seymour.configure do |config|
  config.distribution = :delayed_job

Important Performance Note (Resque and Sidekiq)

If using Resque or Sidekiq as your distributor it is highly recommended that you provide a ruby method on your Activity classes to define their recipients and use a symbol as the value for the channel recipients option.

Anything passed to Resque/Sidekiq for backgrounding must be serializable. If you provide a proc or an array of Actors as a channel's recipients then prior to backgrounding the distribution Seymour must first do extra work to convert the recipients into a format that can be deserialized later. This will slow down distribution which somewhat defeats the purpose of using a background distribution method.

Providing a symbol to be called on your Activity bypasses this problem since the symbol can be directly serialized without any additional overhead.

Delivery (Channels)

All Activities in Seymour are persisted in the collection of your base Activity class (where you included Seymour::ActivityDocument). Once an Activity is persisted, it will be distributed automatically to its defined channels if so configured. If no delivery channels are defined for an activity then it is simply persisted as an activity which could be used for a global activity feed or to generate a list an Actor's activity.

Seymour comes with one pre-defined delivery channel: Feed. The Feed delivery channel takes its list of recipients and updates each of their feeds with the activity being distributed. The recipients can be any Actor you have configured.

Delivery channels are configured like this:

class Activities::NewComment < Activities::Activity
  define_actor  :comment_author, cache: [:full_name, :slug]
  define_object :comment, cache: [:content], required: true
  define_activity_target :post, cache: [:title, :slug], class: Post
  # Configure delivery channels
  deliver_to :feed, recipients: :recipients

  def recipients

The first parameter to deliver_to is the name of the channel. Channel names must be unique and must match a known channel in the Seymour::Channels namespace. The Channel name for the Feed channel would be :feed.

Additionally, default recipients can be specified for a distribution channel. The following are acceptable values for the recipients option:

  • Callable: A callable (proc/lambda/method). The callable will receive the activity as its sole argument. It should return an array of Actors.
  • Symbol: A symbol to be called on the Activity instance that will return the appropriate recipients. It should return an array of Actors.
  • Array: An array of Actors.

Recipients can be overridden when publishing an activity (see Publishing Activities below). If no default recipients are specified then it is expected that they are provided as a parameter to publishing.

Additional options may also be available depending on the specific delivery channel.

Adding additional delivery channels to Seymour is easy.

module Seymour
  module Channels
    class Email < Base
      def deliver(activity)
        recipients = recipients(activity)
        return unless recipients
        recipients.each do |recipient|
          # Deliver email to recipient based on activity type.

# In your seymour.rb initializer
Seymour.configure do |config|
    config.channels = [:feed, :email]

Setup Actors

Actors in Seymour can be any Mongoid model in your system.

class User
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Seymour::Actor

    field :full_name, :type => String

    def followers
        User.excludes(:id => self.id).all

Just make sure you include the Seymour::Actor module to give it the appropriate helper methods.

Publishing Activities

Wherever appropriate for your app (controller, observer, model callback, etc.):

actor.publish_activity(:new_comment, object: comment, activity_target: post)

This will use the configured distribution system to begin delivering the activity. Typically this will be some sort of background job system. The distribution mechanism will persist the Activity specified by the first parameter (:new_comment) and will then proceed to deliver the Activity as it is configured.

Remember, the recipients for any delivery channel can be overridden in the call to publish_activity:

actor.publish_activity(:new_comment, object: comment, activity_target: post, feed: {recipients: []}, email: {recipients: actor})

This would prevent any feed items from being created for this activity and email the actor about the activity.

Reading the Feed



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Seymour was originally inspired by the Streama Gem. Streama did not quite work for my needs though so I began work on this gem instead. Many of the core concepts are inspired by Streama.