

Primary LanguageJava

Workflow Generator

Bhooshan Mogal

A tool that provides an API (described below) to read job metadata and suggest a workflow composed of stages of execution. Each stage contains jobs all of whose dependencies have been satisfied in prior stages. Currently used in a standalone java application so it is easier to test. But a REST API could easily be added using most of the same code base.


WorkflowManager.execute(String inputType, String inputSrc)
inputType: the type of input - could be 'jsonfile', 'interactive' or 'properties'
inputSource: the source of data for the input used for input types jsonfile (points to the json file) and
            properties (points to the properties file)

A sample application using this API is shown in WorkflowRunner.java.

Input Formats

The best way to specify input for such a tool would be a web UI. However, for this assignment, the following modes are supported:

  1. jsonfile - as a json file
  2. interactive - interactive command line
  3. properties - as a properties file


Using gradle

cd [workflow_project_directory]
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew clean build

Using javac

cd [workflow_project_directory]
javac -cp libs/*:src/main/java/workflow/* -d /tmp/out src/main/java/workflow/*.java


If built using gradle

java -cp build/libs/workflow-1.0.jar workflow.WorkflowRunner [jsonfile|interactive|properties] [Optional file]
[Optional file] is the absolute path to the file containing json data for input type 'jsonfile'
or to the file containing properties for input type 'properties'

If built using javac

java -cp /tmp/out:libs/* workflow.WorkflowRunner [jsonfile|interactive|properties] [Optional file]
[Optional file] is the absolute path to the file containing json data for input type 'jsonfile'
or to the file containing properties for input type 'properties'


Using a JSON File as Input

java -cp build/libs/workflow-1.0.jar workflow.WorkflowRunner jsonfile /path/to/workflow.json

Using Interactive Input

java -cp /tmp/out:libs/* workflow.WorkflowRunner interactive

Using a Properties File as Input

java -cp build/libs/workflow-1.0.jar properties /path/to/workflow.properties