Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project

The run_analysis.R script turns messy Human Activity Recognition data into a tidy data set. The tidy dataset will be saved as "final.txt"

  • The script assumes the data has already been downloaded and unzipped
    • has the structure of how the data needs to be saved for run_analysis.R to work
  • The data will be loaded and tidied
  • The relevant data will be extracted
  • The dataset will be saved to a file in the working directory: final.txt

Information about final.txt:

  • final.txt has 180 observations
  • An observation is defined as each activity for each subject (30 subjects, 6 activities each)
  • Measurements from 66 of the original features were used to create the final variables in the tidy data set
  • final.txt can be read into R with: data <- read.table("final.txt", header = TRUE)