
Generate JsDoc to your JavaScript code.

Primary LanguageVimLBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


jsdoc.vim generates JSDoc block comments based on a function signature.


This plugin based on https://gist.github.com/3903772#file-jsdoc-vim written by NAKAMURA, Hisashi

Depending on your configuration, jsdoc.vim will prompt for description, @return type and description. It will also prompt you for types and descriptions for each function @param.

Data type tab completion supported for parameter and return types

  • currently: boolean, null, undefined, number, string, symbol, object


  1. Move cursor on function keyword line.
  2. Type :JsDoc to insert JSDoc.
  3. Insert JSDoc above the function keyword line.


Option Default Description
g:jsdoc_allow_input_prompt 0 Allow prompt for interactive input.
g:jsdoc_input_description 1 Prompt for a function description
g:jsdoc_additional_descriptions 0 Prompt for a value for @name, add it to the JSDoc block comment along with the @function tag.
g:jsdoc_return 1 Add the @return tag.
g:jsdoc_return_type 1 Prompt for and add a type for the aforementioned @return tag.
g:jsdoc_return_description 1 Prompt for and add a description for the @return tag.
g:jsdoc_access_descriptions 0 Set value to 1 to turn on access tags like `@access <private
g:jsdoc_underscore_private 0 Set value to 1 to turn on detecting underscore starting functions as private convention
g:jsdoc_allow_shorthand 0 Set value to 1 to allow ECMAScript6 shorthand syntax.
g:jsdoc_param_description_separator ' ' Characters used to separate @param name and description.
g:jsdoc_custom_args_hook {} Override default type and description. See help more detail.


Scince ver 0.3, g:jsdoc_default_mapping was removed.

Add following setting to .vimrc if you want same behavior as ver 0.2.1.

nmap <silent> <C-l> <Plug>(jsdoc)