
my vimrc settings

Primary LanguageVim Script




git clone http://bdryanovski@github.com/bdryanovski/vimrc.git $HOME/.vim
cd $HOME/.vim
ln $HOME/.vim/vimrc.vim $HOME/.vimrc
ln $HOME/.vim/gvimrc $HOME/.gvimrc


Settings and Mapping

* `vimsrc/_settings.vim`   - All VIM settings.
* `vimsrc/_bundle.vim`     - List of all Plugins for vundle
* `vimsrc/_mapping.vim`    - Custom keys and shortcuts.
* `vimsrc/_plugins.vim`    - Keep plugin settings.
* `vimsrc/_autocmd.vim`    - Autocmd section of Vim
* `vimsrc/_functions.vim`  - List of Custom function that didn't get into plugin
* `vimsrc/_syntax.vim`     - Custom syntax
* `vimsrc/autocorrect.vim` - Autocorrect list ( comman typos )


* `vimsrc/unixrc.vim` - If VIM run on \*nix system.  
* `vimsrc/win32rc.vim` - If VIM run on Windows system. ( Depricated - soon will be removed )

Shortcuts defined by the vimsrc/_mapping.vim (Not a full list)

* `vv`              - Select the current line.  
* `<leader>t`       - On \*nix and cammand-t is installed it will run cammand-t 
* `<leader>1..9`    - Open tab from 1 to 9.  
* `<leader><space>` - Clear search highlight.  
* `__`              - Split the windows and execute custom command.  
* `<ctrl>u`         - Uparcase current word.  
* `<ctrl>p`         - Open ctrlp search in files. (only under Windows)
* `<shift>F10`      - Edit vimbook.txt.  

Fn Keys

* `F1` - <ESC>   
* `F2` - BufExplorer.  
* `F3` - NERDTree toggle.  
* `F4` - Clear search highlight.  
* `F5` - FREE   
* `F6` - FREE  
* `F7` - FREE   
* `F8` - Toggle Tagbar   
* `F9` - Stop spell checking.  
* `F10` - Read vimbook.txt.  
* `F11` - FREE   
* `F12` - Edit .vimrc  
* `Shift-F12` - Reload .vimrc  


  • TAB - In NORMAL mode, move you to the next buffer
  • Shift-TAB - In NORMAL mode move you to previews buffer

Move around

Use gh, gj, gk, gl - to move through splits. If you need to move line up or down just use Ctrl+k or Ctrl+j.

Presing HOME will return you into the beging of the line same as ^.

Search and replace

Use <leader>r to replace the word under the cursor, NOTE: this will replace the word into the entire file

`<space>` in NORMAL mode will start search.

### Fonts

curl -kL https://raw.github.com/cstrap/monaco-font/master/install-font-ubuntu.sh | bash