Movie Trailer Website


This website will list my favorite movies along with its poster. Once a movie is clicked, the official trailer in Youtube will play. The website is coded in Python with HTML, CSS and to some extent bootstrap.


It is always preferable to clone the repository before using it. This will ensure that any change made by the user will not affect the original code.

Clone or Download the code to a local destination. The code can be run either from command line or from a Python IDE.

Running from command prompt (windows):
1. Click on Windows+R or Click on Windows button and type cmd
2. Type cd path_of_the_local_destination
3. type python
4. Web browser opens with the list of movies. The desired movie can be clicked to view its trailer
5. To run in an IDE, only run the file as that connects to the other files. The same output will be displayed.

Make sure python is already installed. If not, install it from

Files in the repository

1. - The main entry to the program. Builds the movie list and calls the method to generate the web page.
2. - The provided web page generator. It takes in a list of movies and builds the HTML and opens up your default browser to display the generated HTML page.
3. - Contains the class that provides the data structure to hold movie information.

A fourth file, fresh_tomatoes.html, will be generated when you run the program as described above. This file is the actual web page you would see in your browser.