
A IoT of tap smart life.

Primary LanguageRuby

TAPIoT Services

TAPIoT is a project that can bring wisdom to your taps.

Tapiot is a sub-project under TAPIoT, which is the website and server part of TAPIoT.


  1. redis >= 3.0
  2. ruby >= 2.2
  3. mysql >= 5.5
  4. nginx >= 1.10
  5. rails >= 4.2

Installation & Running

  1. Clone this repository and install required gems.

    $ git clone https://github.com/bdsword/tapiot.git
    $ cd tapiot
    $ bundle
  2. Setup database configurations.

    $ cp .env.example .env
    # edit .env and setup your database account and password
  3. Setup ArduinoServer configurations.

    $ cp arduino_server_configurations.sample.rb arduino_server_configurations.rb
    # edit arduino_server_configurations.rb and setup your server configurations
  4. Setup ArduinoClientEmulator or removed it if you don't need.

    # Option1. If you choose to use **ArduinoClientEmulator**
    $ cp arduino_client_emulator_configurations.sample.rb arduino_client_emulator_configurations.rb
    # edit arduino_client_emulator_configurations.rb and setup your server configurations
    # Option2. If you don't want to use **ArduinoClientEmulator**
    $ rm arduino_client*
  5. Setup database and tables.

    $ rake db:create
    $ rake db:migrate
  6. Run all the services.

    $ rails s # Start rails server, using WEBRick(for development only)
    $ bin/cable # Start ActionCable server
    $ rake arduino_server:start # Start ArduinoServer

TAPIoT Devices Side

Please check tapiot-arduino repository.