
A simple LiveCode stack that sends a simple xAPI statement to an LRS endpoint specified by the user.

There are three stand-alone versions that you can try without downloading the FREE LiveCode development environment.

xAPI Reporter Mac v2-09.app is a Mac stand alone

The standalone application is a LiveCode project that has been exported to a standalone runtime, you can download this file to Mac OS X, double click to unzip and double click to run. Created under Mac OS X High Sierra 10.13.16, it should run under any later Mac OS including Big Sur (with rosetta).

xAPI Reporter v 2-09 Windows x86-64.zip is a 64 bit Windows stand alone

The standalone application is a LiveCode project that has been exported to a standalone runtime, you can download this file to Windows, double click to unzip and double click to run.

xAPI Reporter v 2-09 Windows 32 bit.zip is a 32 bit Windows stand alone

The standalone application is a LiveCode project that has been exported to a standalone runtime, you can download this file to Windows, double click to unzip and double click to run. It would be better if you can use the 64 bit version under Window 10, earlier versions of Windows may require this version to run.

04-23-21 Joan recorded two demo videos for this project that have been uploaded into youTube:

Joan Demo Part 1 & 2 https://youtu.be/p5G7MF42A-M

joan demo part 3 HIGH 720p https://youtu.be/1FIaNtV1YrE

04-23-21 Kevin recorded three demo videos for v2-09 of this project that have been uploaded into youTube:

Kevin Demo 1 Win Exe download and Run Anyway xAPI in LiveCode Weekly Meeting rehearsal 04 21 21


Kevin Demo 2 - Sending statements with Standalone App - xAPI in LiveCode Weekly Meeting REHERSAL 04-21-21 EDITS v1-04.mp4


Kevin Demo 3 - Editing Statement - xAPI in LiveCode Weekly Meeting REHERSAL 04-21-21 EDITS v1-02.mp4


That's all folks! (for now)