(Intellij) decompiles jar library and attaches sources to current project
- 5
IDE Fatal Error
#13 opened by shafinmahmud - 10
Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key decompiler.use.line.table
#7 opened by sergaks - 2
"Decompile and Attach" missing in context menue
#12 opened by sscholl - 2
Not extracting
#9 opened by utrucceh - 6
IntelliJ IDEA Community 2017.2 EAP
#10 opened by adoerler - 0
IllegalAccessError: tried to access method com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper.setOKActionEnabled(Z)V from class io.gulp.intellij.plugin.decompile.FolderSelectionForm$1
#11 opened by IC7K - 1
- 1
debugging is broken with decompiled sources
#6 opened by bduisenov - 1
- 1
- 1
keep all decompiled libs in one project lib
#2 opened by bduisenov - 1