
Weather Forecast Dashboard

  1. Description
  2. Navigation
  3. Contributions ​ ​

Weather Dashboard-Find Current Weather and 5 Day Forecast Data!

1. Description

​ The acceptance criteria was to create a weather dashboard application that displayed the current weather of a city that a user searches for. My weather dashboard displays the city name, the current date of search, temperature, humidity, wind speed and the uv-index. Below you will find the five day forecast so you can address appropriately. ​

2. Navigation

​ [Github Pages Live Site]

[Github Repo Site]

Live page view:

​ ​ScreenShot

Gif demonstrating the applications functionality:

Weather demo

3. Contributions

​ This project was created by myself, with suggestions and perspectives from the following people:

Patrick Walker ​ Jason Barbanel ​ Takuya Matsumoto ​ Gabe Thomas