Automatic Irrigation System


Ahmed Bahaa Ibrahim Mostafa

System Idea

This Automatic Irrigation System provides APIs to help the user:

Crop API

  • Add Crop
  • Edit Crop
  • Get Crop Details

Plot API

  • Add Plot
  • Get Plot Details
  • Get All Plots
  • Edit Plot
  • Configure Plot (planting crop in the land & define irrigation time slot)

Project Requirements

  • Java 11
  • Maven 3.8.6
  • MySQL

Steps to run the project

  • Run > mvn clean install
  • Change Datasource settings in the to yours
  • Run the sql commands in "src/main/resources/static/SqlStatements.sql"
  • Choose the test case you want to run in "src/main/java/com/farm/irregation/utils/" by setting the attribute "yourTestCaseChoice"
  • Make sure to drop the schema between each test case and run the sql commands again so that the data in database can be clear to view
  • The two scenarios of Database Seeding will perform irrigation process happen every 2 minutes and the duration of each irrigation is 1 minute, Example(11:40 -> 11:41 then 11:42 ->11:43)
  • You can check the database data to see all the irrigation process, crop, timeslot and plot inserted
  • Use the postman collection to call the system APIs to try it by yourself, the collection is here: src/main/resources/static/Irrigation-System.postman_collection.json

Database Design

Alt text

Design Assumptions

  • Sensor is a Singleton Class
  • Alarm is a Sigleton Class
  • Crop can be planted in many Plots
  • Plot can be configured with many time slots
  • Each Time Slot has list of scheduled Irrigation Processes

User Scenario

  1. User creates new crop (tomato)
  2. User adds new plot (GreenLand)
  3. User configures the plot:
    • plant the crop in the plot
    • add TimeSlot
    • Automatically system create irrigation processes based on user setup
  4. Every Minute the system checks if there is an irrigation process need to start or finish.
  5. Once the sensor starts in the irrigation process , it changes the process status from SCHEDULED to IN_PROGRESS
  6. Once the sensor finishes the irrigation process , it changes the process status from IN_PROGRESS to DONE
  7. If the sensor was not available the irrigation process do 3 retries in sensor communication, and then change the status to REJECTED

Test Cases (Database Seeding)

* Test Case 1 (Success Scenario): Sensor is available
* Test Case 2 (Failure Scenario): Sensor is not available