下载1.06版Windows Defender 报毒,但是下载1.05版本就不报毒
panglongqi opened this issue · 8 comments
I tested it on https://www.virustotal.com/ and they said it is clear.
Removing the release for now.
I may try use zip files instead. Though it will increase the file size...
I recreated the release, the file you download should be OK now.
Link: https://github.com/be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic/releases/tag/v1.0.6b
Quick maintenance-related question: is the switch to zip permanent, or for version 1.0.6 only?
@pghvlaans Should be permanent. And yes file size will be large, so I uploaded fine-grained packages so you will not need to download several GBs.
Understood. SlackBuilds uses the TTC file, so it shouldn't make too much of a difference either way; I just need to make sure the script is right going forward. Thank you!
@pghvlaans Should be permanent. And yes file size will be large, so I uploaded fine-grained packages so you will not need to download several GBs.
我强烈反对这样做。毕竟这样的误报是暂时的,这方面应该是让杀毒软件改进而不是我们向此妥协,相信以后杀毒软件会得以纠正的。而且主要问题是压缩成 ZIP 文件体积要大很多,如果是相差不大那也就算了。本来所有字体、所有语言都压缩为一个大包,现为了方便用户下载拆分为比较详细的一个个小包,已经是增大好几倍的体积了,现在改为 ZIP 压缩包再次又增大了几倍的体积,这样每次版本推出都要比原来大几十倍的体积。这不仅增加 github 服务器的压力,也给我们下载用户造成不少的空间占用,结果我们也可以将下载压缩包再自行打包为 7z 或 RAR 等其它压缩率较高的文件,但这也是多一步麻烦。不要因为一个小小的暂时性误报而给自己和服务器、用户带来长久的麻烦。
@DOSforever I can try whether it is still problematic in v1.0.7, if not I can revert to 7z files. I could provide extra ZIP packages for TTCs.