- 3
#405 opened by Tenormis - 1
Wondering if there will be a VF version of the fonts
#403 opened by soytony - 0
- 2
- 6
- 1
number on circle is very narrow
#399 opened by hychul11 - 1
- 1
remove emoji from Sarasa Mono
#404 opened by bigheadghost - 2
Sarasa Mono CL 在 ILSpy, Vaisual Studio 中乱码
#394 opened by daujyungx - 2
#387 opened by DOSforever - 1
是否可以提供 checksum 呢?Can you provide a checksum?
#402 opened by shuyuwa - 1
SarasaFixedSC-TTF-Unhinted-1.0.13和SarasaFixedSC-TTF-1.0.13显示乱码 display nonsense codes
#395 opened by BlackRosePetals - 2
#400 opened by StellarHS - 3
Add the Nerd Fonts support
#379 opened by syhily - 2
Inconsistent Spacing Between Dots in Chinese Ellipsis (U+2026 Horizontal Ellipsis)
#391 opened by hunderlinehh - 5
- 1
Office 行距异常 | Office Line Spacing Abnormal
#380 opened by lcatcn - 2
Inter's font-feature-settings feature cannot be used.
#397 opened by kidzgy - 2
为什么小写 “x” 字形有时候会不一样
#396 opened by kidzgy - 4
将 Sarasa 应用为 Windows 的用户界面字体 CJK 字符显示偏高
#393 opened by FreshP-0325 - 7
Problems with font display in version 1.0.11
#392 opened by 1nj0k - 1
#390 opened by viocha - 1
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- 7
#361 opened by XHXIAIEIN - 0
#362 opened by lxfly2000 - 3
- 0
连用破折号 em dash (U+2014) —— 在暗色背景下能看到明显毛刺
#385 opened by sommio - 5
#384 opened by DearTanker - 0
更纱黑体 SC 的简体间隔号 U+00B7 太窄
#381 opened by sommio - 2
1.0.7 Gothic 和 Ui 的数字和英文是什么
#378 opened by letsky192 - 1
Releases Details Format Error
#376 opened by XHXIAIEIN - 1
- 4
#364 opened by DOSforever - 2
#356 opened by wytsai7660 - 8
下载1.06版Windows Defender 报毒,但是下载1.05版本就不报毒
#369 opened by panglongqi - 1
Homebrew Download Error
#372 opened by Yiming-M - 1
Request: merge the extended version of Iosevka
#358 opened by hanwenguo - 5
#370 opened by abbaccadd0 - 2
- 5
#366 opened by DOSforever - 0
Sarasa 字体的字形(glyph)没有名称
#368 opened by Mesimpler - 1
#355 opened by extrame911 - 2
为何某些环境下唯独 Mono CL 字体显示不正常?
#367 opened by DOSforever - 1
the glyph of unicode range U+3031~3035 is abnomal
#354 opened by ustbshen - 1
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- 2
新版 CL 字形貌似不使用尚古黑体 (Advocate Ancient Sans)
#359 opened by Scratchbin - 0
UI 字体的数字应等宽
#357 opened by tglsf