== class_inputs This is a super-simple view extension for Rails. It just adds helpful class names to all Rails-generated +input+ tags to make it easier to style them. So, by default Rails gives you: text_field_tag(:foo, :class => 'something') # => <input class="something" id="foo" name="foo" type="text" /> f.check_box(:bar) # => <input id="record_bar" name="record[bar]" type="checkbox" value="1" /> With classy_inputs installed, you get: text_field_tag(:foo, :class => 'something') # => <input class="something text" id="foo" name="foo" type="text" /> f.check_box(:bar) # => <input class="checkbox" id="record_bar" name="record[bar]" type="checkbox" value="1" /> Copyright (c) 2008 James Coglan, released under the MIT license