
A getting started app using Laravel, Vagrant, AngularJS and bootstrap

Primary LanguagePHP

Vagrant Laravel Booster

Installing this app will provide you a tiny demo using

  • Laravel4
  • Redis
  • Memcache
  • MySQL
  • And more

for the lazy people who want to see before read, a demo will be soon available.

In the future I plan to add some new fun things like

  • Queues
  • Workers
  • etc.

Getting started


To make good use of vagrant you need to download

  1. Vagrant 1.2 install Vagrant plugin hostmanager vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
  2. VirtualBox
  3. Precise32 Box (You can do without, but it's better to have it in local)


$ git clone [...]
$ cd vagrant-laravel-booster
$ vagrant up

run http://larabooster.local in your favorite browser


[... Coming soon ... ]

That's it !


V0.1 - First release

[x] initial storages
    [x] MySQL
    [x] Redis
    [x] memcache
[x] Basic UI (jQuery based)
[x] Boilerplate provisioning file

V0.2 - UI revamp :

[x] UI Using angularJS
[x] Improved UI details
[x] Improved routing
[x] Grunt introduced

V0.3 - Backend improvment:

[x] getAll now account for limits
[] Http Middleware limit
[] Exception on Errors
[] Pagination handling

V0.4 - Open source relase + hosting:

[] Complete Readme
    [] Getting started
    [] Code snippets
    [] Screenshots
[] Demo Hosting on DigitalOcean