
LumenJS is a tiny robust reactive javascript framework for building scalable and high-performant web applications and web user interfaces, be it simple or complex, with standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

MIT LicenseMIT

LumenJS Reactive JavaScript Framework

LumenJS Reactive JavaScript Framework

LumenJS is a cutting-edge, tiny, and lightning-fast reactive JavaScript framework that is set to revolutionize the way developers build dynamic user interfaces. Building scalable and high-performant web applications and web user interfaces, be it simple or complex, with standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript only. LumenJS Documentation

LumenJS comes along with MobiusCSS which is a utility-first CSS framework packed with grid and table sectioning systems and classes like g, mt20, pv100, c and sq that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup. MobiusCSS Documentation



Using npm:

npm install -g @lmjs/cli



Create A New Project

lm create My Project Name

You can use lu, lm, or lumen as a command.


Run The Project

lm serve


Create A View

lm create -v myview


Create A Sub View

lm create -s mysubview


Create A Template

lm create -t mytemplate


Purge Offline Cache Files (For Offline Usage)

lm purge


Build A Serverless Dist For Production Version

lm build --serverless


Build A Serverless Dist For Production Version & Deploy It Directly

lm build --serverless --deploy


Build A Dist For Production Version + NodeJs Server

lm build


Build A Dist For Production Version + NodeJs Server & Deploy It Directly

lm build --deploy