
A parallel library with task, pipeline and algorithmic parallelism.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

This is in development and extrememly broken

Function Stream

A parallel library with task, pipeline and algorithmic parallelism. Some examples can be found in the tests folder and some benchmarks are in the Benchmarks folder. From the benchmarks you can see the average time per item processed. In many cases it can be quicker to use the sequential versions as the task is memory bound in the easy case where the supplied function is too quick. This happens for cases where N is small. If the work is greater than the per item time in sequential, the parallel should be faster.

Example 1 Example 2

for_each, for_each_n

Applies the given function object func to the result of dereferencing every iterator in the range [first, last) (not necessarily in order)

template<typename RandomIterator, typename Func> 
void for_each( RandomIterator const first, RandomIterator const last, Func func, task_scheduler ts );

template<typename Iterator, typename Func> 
void for_each_n( Iterator first, size_t N, Func func, task_scheduler ts );


Assigns value to the result of dereferencing every iterator in the range [first, last) (not necessarily in order)

template<typename Iterator, typename T> 
void fill( Iterator first, Iterator last, T const &value, task_scheduler ts );


Sorts the elements in the range [first, last) in ascending order. The order of equal elements is not guaranteed to be preserved. Elements are compared using the given binary comparison function compare.

template<typename Iterator, typename LessCompare> 
void sort_merge( Iterator first, Iterator last, LessCompare compare, task_scheduler ts );


Sorts the elements in the range [first, last) in ascending order. The order of equal elements is guaranteed to be preserved. Elements are compared using the given comparison function compare.

template<typename Iterator, typename LessCompare> 
void stable_sort_merge( Iterator first, Iterator last, task_scheduler ts, LessCompare compare = LessCompare{} );

min/max element

Finds the smallest(min) or largest(max) element in the range [first, last). Elements are compared using the given binary comparison function compare.

template<typename Iterator, typename LessCompare> 
auto min_element( Iterator first, Iterator last, task_scheduler ts, LessCompare compare = LessCompare{} );

template<typename Iterator, typename LessCompare> 
auto max_element( Iterator first, Iterator last, task_scheduler ts, LessCompare compare = LessCompare{} );


Reduces the range [first; last), possibly permuted and aggregated in unspecified manner, along with the initial value init over binary_op.

template<typename T, typename Iterator, typename BinaryOp> 
T reduce( Iterator first, Iterator last, T init, BinaryOp binary_op, task_scheduler ts );

template<typename T, typename Iterator> 
auto reduce( Iterator first, Iterator last, T init, task_scheduler ts );

template<typename Iterator> 
auto reduce( Iterator first, Iterator last, task_scheduler ts );


Apply the given function unary_op to the result of dereferencing every iterator in the range [first, last) (not necessarily in order). If supplied the result is stored in range [first2, first2 + std::distance( first, last )), or in place otherwise.

template<typename Iterator, typename OutputIterator, typename UnaryOperation> 
void transform( Iterator first1, Iterator const last1, OutputIterator first2, UnaryOperation unary_op, task_scheduler ts );

template<typename Iterator, typename UnaryOperation> 
void transform( Iterator first, Iterator last, UnaryOperation unary_op, task_scheduler ts );

combined map reduce

Apply the given function map_function to the result of dereferencing every iterator in the range [first, last) (not necessarily in order). The results are passed to the binary_function reduce_function and returned.

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunction, typename ReduceFunction> 
auto map_reduce( Iterator first, Iterator last, MapFunction map_function, ReduceFunction reduce_function, task_scheduler ts );

template<typename Iterator, typename T, typename MapFunction, typename ReduceFunction> 
auto map_reduce( Iterator first, Iterator last, T const &init, MapFunction map_function, ReduceFunction reduce_function, task_scheduler ts );

scan(prefix sum)

Computes the result of binary_op with the elements in the subranges of the range [first, last) and writes them to the range [first_out, last_out).

template<typename Iterator, typename OutputIterator, typename BinaryOp> 
void scan( Iterator first, Iterator last, OutputIterator first_out, OutputIterator last_out, BinaryOp binary_op, task_scheduler ts );

template<typename Iterator, typename OutputIterator, typename BinaryOp> 
void scan( Iterator first, Iterator last, BinaryOp binary_op, task_scheduler ts );


Return an Iterator to the first position where the UnaryPredicate pred returns true.

template<typename Iterator, typename UnaryPredicate>
Iterator find_if( Iterator first, Iterator last, UnaryPredicate pred, task_scheduler ts );


Determine if two ranges are equal.

template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename BinaryPredicate>
bool equal( Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator2 first2, Iterator2 last2, BinaryPredicate pred, task_scheduler ts );

template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename BinaryPredicate>
bool equal( Iterator1 first1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator2 first2, Iterator2 last2, task_scheduler ts );


Implementation of a task stealing work m_queue. The default is to have 1 thread per core and block on destruction.

get default task scheduler

task_scheduler get_task_scheduler( );

adding a task to m_queue

Add a simple task of the form void( ) to the m_queue.

template<typename Task>
void task_scheduler::add_task( Task task ) noexcept;

starting task scheduler

void task_scheduler::start( );

stopping task scheduler

void task_scheduler::request_stop( bool block = true );

check if task scheduler is started

bool task_scheduler::started( ) const;

check how many task queues are processing jobs

size_t task_scheduler::size( ) const;

indicate code sections that will block thread

Use blocking section to indicate that another thread can start processing the work queues while this one is blocked. If the current thread is on of the task_scheduler's own, otherwise it will not start a new thread. Task is of the form of void( ). block_on_waitable requires the object passed to support the wait( ) method.

template<typename Task>
void task_scheduler::blocking_task( Task task, taskscheduler ts );

template<typename Function>
auto task_scheduler::blocking_function( Function func, taskscheduler ts );

template<typename Waitable>
void task_scheduler::blocking_on_waiting( Waitable waitable, task_scheduler ts );

Scheduling tasks

Add supplied task to task_scheduler ts and notify supplied semaphore when completed

template<typename Task>
void schedule_task( daw::shared_semaphore semaphore, Task task, task_scheduler ts );

Add supplied task to default task_scheduler and notify supplied semaphore when completed

template<typename Task>
void schedule_task( daw::shared_semaphore semaphore, Task task );

Add supplied task to task_scheduler ts and return a semaphore that will block until it completes

template<typename Task>
daw::shared_semaphore create_waitable_task( Task task, task_scheduler ts );

Add supplied tasks to default task_scheduler and return a semaphore that will block until it completes

template<typename Task>
daw::shared_semaphore create_waitable_task( Task task );

Add supplied tasks to the default task_scheduler and return a semaphore that will block until all complete

template<typename... Tasks>
daw::shared_semaphore create_task_group( Tasks &&... tasks );

Add supplied tasks to the default task_scheduler and return when they all complete

template<typename... Tasks>
void invoke_tasks( Tasks &&... tasks );


Stores the results of parallel operations or exceptions. Blocks until value is set. If an exception is set it will throw when value is retrieved.

template<typename Result> struct future_result_t;

Waiting for values to become available

Wait indefinitely until value is avaiable

void future_result_t::wait( ) const override;

Wait for a specific time duration. Returns a future_status that indicates whether the value is available or not. Takes a std::chrono::duration as argument

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
future_status future_result_t::wait_for( std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const &rel_time ) const;

Wait until a specific time. Returns a future_status that indicates whether the value is available or not. Takes a std::chrono::time_point as argument

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
future_status future_result_t::wait_until( std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> const & timeout_time ) const;

Check if waiting would block.

 bool future_result_t::try_wait( ) const override
 explicit future_result_t::operator bool( ) const;

Setting value in future_result_t

Sets the value and allows threads waiting to proceed.

void future_result_t::set_value( Result value ) noexcept;

Do not return a value but a throw exception

template<typename Exception>
void set_exception( Exception const &ex );

Return current exception that was just thrown

void set_exception( );

Set the value from the result of function and optional arguments args

template<typename Function, typename... Args>
void from_code( Function func, Args &&... args );

Continuation of future_result_t

Add next function in chain and return a new future_result_t that has the result of that function with the argument being the result of the previous

template<typename Function>
auto next( Function next_function );

Split the result of future_result_t and pass it to a list of Functions. The result is a tuple of future_result_t with the result of each function

template<typename... Functions>
auto split( Functions&&... funcs );

Retreiving the value from future_result_t

Check if the future result is an exception

bool is_exception( ) const;

Get the result, will throw if exception is stored

Result const &get( ) const;

Creating future results

These functions will create a task on the specified task_scheduler or use the default (via get_task_scheduler( )). An optional semaphore can be supplied for situations where one does not want to return until a group of results is available. Optional arguments args can be provided to function.

template<typename Function, typename... Args>
auto make_future_result( task_scheduler ts, Function func, Args &&... args );

template<typename Function, typename... Args>
auto make_future_result( task_scheduler ts, daw::shared_semaphore semaphore, Function func, Args &&... args );

template<typename Function, typename... Args>
auto make_future_result( Function func, Args &&... args );

These functions will return a tuple of future_results_t for all functions specified.

Make a future result group callable. The result can be called with arguments to pass to all functions

template<typename... Functions>
auto make_callable_future_result_group( Functions... functions );

Make a default result group with no arguments.

template<typename... Functions>
auto make_future_result_group( Functions... functions );

Create a pipelined set of functions where the result is passed to each subsequent function. A future_result_t is returned at the end. Each function call creates a task in task scheduler for scheduling. This allows one to add parallelism to serial lists of functions or blocks of code.

A functon stream is callable with the arguments of the first function

template<typename... Functions> class function_stream;

Create a function stream from a list of callables. The result is a future_result_t with the result type of the last function in the list.

template<typename... Functions>
constexpr auto make_function_stream( Functions &&... funcs );

Wait for a function_stream result to complete

template<typename FunctionStream>
void wait_for_function_streams( FunctionStream & function_stream );

Wait for a group of function stream results to complete. This implements the join pattern

template<typename... FunctionStreams>
void wait_for_function_streams( FunctionStreams&... function_streams );

Parallel/Sequential Function Composition

Compose a stream of functions that may be run as parallel tasks or a sequential flow.

Compose a function that returns a future. The result of each subsequent function must be the argument of the test. The future will have a value of the type of the final function.

constexpr auto func = daw::compose_future( ) | callable1 | callable2 | callable3;
auto fut = func( args... );
fut.wait( );
auto result = fut.get( );

Compose a sequential function and return the value of the final sub-function.

constexpr auto func = daw::compose( ) | callable1 | callable2 | callable3;
constexpr auto result = func( args... );