playsongsrosieapp V2 - for iOS iPad and iPhone

A sweet little illustrated iOS Audio app for Childrens music, that has never quite made it to the app store :(

I designed and built this iOS app to play some sweet music for my little boy.

This is the second iteration of the app, using custom pastel effect artwork. The sample files are from one his favourite CD's and are obviously strictly copyrighted to the producer and owner.

Artwork is copyright the originator, please make and use your own artwork.

This code is a year old now, so could do with some updating to support latest iOS versions, screen/display sizes and remove any deprecated code.

Biggup my man in Nepal, Bala Badra Maharjan, for his work on this app.


  • Custom audio controls to prevent little hands moving around the app when playing songs (doesn't block that big old Home button though, sadly)


  • Clone the repo
  • Open project in Xcode


  • Xcode v5.1 or later
  • iOS Device, such is the age of the code, iPhone 4 or later
  • a Mac

To Do

  • Update for more recent iOS versions
  • Update for changes in display sizes
  • Update for deprecated code
  • Update outdated SDK's and libraries
  • Put some more thought into the README to help those who would like to help