This application will let our fictional friend, Pierre, keep track of his sales by giving him a webpage that will let him add vendors, orders for those vendors, along with descriptions and dates for each of them.
- C#
- MSTest
- ASP.NET Core
- .NET
Install .NET Framework.
Clone or download repository.
If downloaded, extract contents to desired folder.
Navigate to and open Tracker.Solution directory in Code editor.
Using the terminal, navigate to Tracker.Solution/Tracker.Tests and run "dotnet restore".
Using the terminal, navigate to Tracker.Solution/Tracker and run "dotnet build" to build the application.
In the same directory, run "dotnet run" to compile and run the application.
In your web browser, type the following URL to open the application "http://localhost:5000/" or "http://localhost:5001/".
To run tests, navigate to Tracker.Solution/Tracker.Tests and run "dotnet test" in the terminal.
- None, please contact if any are found.
MIT License
Copyright(c) 2021 Brandon Eads
Brandon Eads -