This application will help us order delicious bakes from our friend, Pierre. It uses a console application to retrieve the quantity of loaves of bread and pastries a user wants, then outputs the total based on regular and special pricing. Buy bulk, save bulk!
- C#
- MSTest
- .NET
Install .NET Framework.
Clone or download repository.
If downloaded, extract contents to desired folder.
Navigate to and open Bakery.Solution directory in Code editor.
Using the terminal, navigate to Bakery.Solution/Bakery.Tests and run "dotnet restore".
Using the terminal, navigate to Bakery.Solution/Bakery and run "dotnet build".
Using the terminal, navigate to Bakery.Solution/Bakery and run "dotnet run" to start the application. Contents will appear in terminal.
To run tests, navigate to Bakery.Solution/Bakery.Tests and run "dotnet test" in the terminal.
- None, please contact if any are found.
MIT License
Copyright(c) 2021 Brandon Eads
Brandon Eads -