
Convert Allegro C3 -> Altium -> KiCAD

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello Friends,

I would like to create a KiCad version of the REVC board, and I think we could do so by converting the allegro file to a .alg file, then, saving the files as altium files, and then using scripts to convert these files to KiCad.

I don't have allegro installed though, and don't have the "ascii" files altium would need to import, as seen here.

Could you share with us these files?

Sorry for the late reply,
as the Allegro files are given in the repo
you can open the terminal to where the files are located
run the command:
Allegro2Altium BeagleBone Black_PCB_RevC_No Logo_210401.brd

Running the command will generate two ASCII files.
You can also refer to the following tutorial for the latest version:
and go to the "Importing when Allegro is not on the same PC as Altium Designer" heading.