- 6
BeagleBone Cape Board Design without EEPROM
#21 opened by NabilaTasnim - 4
Conversion of (0-5V) Analog Signal to (0-1.8V) without Loss of Information
#20 opened by NabilaTasnim - 1
Convert Allegro C3 -> Altium -> KiCAD
#18 opened by gigaj0ule - 2
Inconsistency between figure 39 and text in SRM + comments on the text relating to boot
#19 opened by TooManyTakenUsernames - 2
- 35
8710A Reset Design Flaw
#4 opened by sslupsky - 7
TPS65217CRSLR not available anymore
#16 opened by mickae1 - 1
#14 opened by runxiyu - 6
- 8
- 2
Connecting the BeagleBone Black with mikroE Click Boards/mikroBus Cape help wanted
#12 opened by ckoehler0 - 3
P10 (SD Card Slot) Obsolete
#6 opened by abferm - 1
Beaglebone black boot kernel panic
#7 opened by natasha323 - 0
- 5
Wrong connector number in SRM
#3 opened by smortex