
Primary LanguageShell


distribution/sync - a simple synchronization library for two hosts


This is a simple synchronization library for multihost testing for two hosts. It provides signal setting and waiting as well as mutual synchronization or message and data exchange.

A single host specified either by its hostname or IP address in a variable CLIENTS or SERVERS is referred to as CLIENT or SERVER, respectively. This library requires CLIENTS and SERVERS variables to be set.

Please notice that this library requires storage accessible from both CLIENT and SERVER for all synchronization flags and data (see syncSHARE variable below).


  • syncETH (set automatically, immutable)

    NIC device which is used as a default route for machine IPv4/6 address stored in syncME. This is useful, for instance, when sniffing traffic via tcpdump.

  • syncETHv6

    This is IPv6 variant of syncETH.

  • syncCLIENT (set automatically, immutable)

    IP address of the CLIENT. By default, IPv4 is preferred over IPv6 address.

  • syncCLIENTv6 (set automatically, immutable)

    IPv6 address of the CLIENT. If the CLIENT has no IPv6 address of a global scope, syncCLIENTv6 is empty.

  • syncME (set automatically, immutable)

    IP address of the actual machine running the test. By default, IPv4 is preferred over IPv6 address.

  • syncMEv6 (set automatically, immutable)

    IPv6 address of the actual machine running the test. If the machine has no IPv6 address of a global scope, syncMEv6 is empty.

  • syncOTHER (set automatically, immutable)

    IP address of the other machine running the test. By default, IPv4 address is preferred over IPv6 address.

  • syncOTHERv6 (set automatically, immutable)

    IPv6 address of the other machine running the test. If the machine has no IPv6 address of a global scope, syncMEv6 is empty.

  • syncSERVER (set automatically, immutable)

    IP address of the SERVER. By default, IPv4 address is preferred over IPv6 address.

  • syncSERVERv6 (set automatically, immutable)

    IPv6 address of the SERVER. If the SERVER has no IPv6 address of a global scope, syncSERVERv6 is empty.

  • syncROLE (set automatically, immutable)

    A role in a mutual communication played by the actual machine - either CLIENT or SERVER.

  • syncTEST (set automatically, immutable)

    Unique test identifier (e.g. its name). By default, it is derived from TEST variable exported in Makefile. If there is no Makefile then it is derived from the test directory.

  • syncSHARE (mandatory, must be set by user)

    A directory pointing to the storage of all synchronization data used during communication. The directory must be accessible from both client and server all the time with read/write access. In general, the safest bet is to mount some NFS mount point before the testing. The is no default value and setting this variable is mandatory.

  • syncSLEEP (optional, 5 seconds by default)

    A time (in seconds) to sleep during doing synchronization queries. In other words, whenever a client or server waits for the other side to set the flag of upload some data, it iteratively checks for those flags or data on synchronization storage, syncSLEEP variable represents sleep time (in seconds) between those checks.

  • syncTIMEOUT (optional, 1800 seconds / 30 minutes by default)

    A maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a synchronization flags or data, this value should be considerably high. Notice that when waiting hits the syncTIMEOUT limit it fails and the rest of the test on both sides fails as well. The important is that the test will be to clean-up phases eventually (as long as the time limit of the test is not yet reached).

  • syncTTL (optional, 480 minutes / 8 hours by default)

    Represents "Time To Live" (in minutes) of synchronization flags and data in the synchronization storage. All flags and data which are older will be automatically removed during library loading. The purpose of this is to make sure that data are not piling up in the synchronization storage over time.



Check if this host is CLIENT. If so, returns 0, otherwise 1.


Check if this host is SERVER. If so, returns 0, otherwise 1.

syncRun who what

Execute commands given in 'what' by rlRun on 'who' which can be either CLIENT or SERVER. For instance, the following three commands are equivalent:

* syncRun "CLIENT" -s "date" 0 "Printing date on CLIENT"

* syncIsClient && rlRun -s "date" 0 "Printing date on CLIENT"

* if [ "$syncROLE" == "CLIENT" ]; then
    rlRun -s "date" 0 "Printing date on CLIENT"

Return an exit code of rlRun and 255 in case of error.


Removes all test synchronization data created by the other side of the connection. This function should be called only in clean-up phase as the last sync function.

Return 0.


Synchronize both sides of the connection Both sides waits for each other so that time on CLIENT and SERVER right after the return from the function is within 2*$syncSLEEP. Returns 0.

syncSet flag [value]

Raise a flag represented by a file in the shared synchronization storage. If an optional second parameter is given, it is written into the flag file. If the second parameter is '-', a stdin is written into the flag file. Return 0 if the flag is successfully created and a non-zero otherwise.

syncExp flag

Waiting for a flag represented by a file in the shared synchronization storage. If it contains some content, it is printed to the standard output. The raised flag is removed afterwards. Waiting is termined when synchronization timeout (syncTIMEOUT) is reached.

Waiting may be also unblocked by a user intervention in two ways:

  1. using /tmp/syncSet - this behaves the same as it would be set by syncSet() function including the value processing (touch or put a value in the file),
  2. using /tmp/syncBreak - this is a premanent setting which will unblock all future syncExp() function calls untils the test is executed again (just touch the file).

Return 0 when the flag is raised, 1 in case of timeout, 3 in case of user's permanent unblock, and 2 in case of other errors.

syncCheck flag

Check if a flag represented by a file in the shared synchronization storage is raised. If so, 0 is returned and flag message (if any) is printed to the standard output. If a flag is not yet raised 1 is returned or 2 in case of errors.

syncPut file

Stores a file in the shared sychnronization storage. A file should have unique basename. Return 0 if a file is stored successfully, 1 if a file with the same basename is already stored and 2 in case of other errors.

syncGet file

Waiting while a file appears in the shared sychnronization storage, then the file is taken. Return 0 if a file is taken correctly, 1 if waiting is terminated (tiemout reached, see syncTIMEOUT global variable) and 2 in case of other errors.

syncGetNow file

Get a file from the shared sychnronization storage immediately. Return 0 if a file is taken correctly, 1 if a file was not present at the moment and 2 in case of other errors.


Function tries to determine IPv6 addresses from NICs and set variables syncCLIENTv6, syncSERVERv6, syncMEv6, syncOTHERv6. If function fails, non-zero return code is returned.