- 2
- 0
- 1
Add optional 1ms delay for uuidv7 to aviod flakes.
#463 opened by dkuku - 2
Sequence reset doesn't respect the `start_at` option
#427 opened by jsonmaur - 2
Stringify `Ecto.Enum` values when using `string_params`/`string_params_with_assocs`
#429 opened by aleDsz - 2
- 3
an intermittent error on async false tests
#431 opened by gabrielmancini - 3
- 10
Cast polymorphic embeds
#407 opened by mathieuprog - 17
Is this project maintained?
#423 opened by aj-foster - 1
nvim diagnostics error
#432 opened by ev94 - 0
sequence starting with 0
#419 opened by theycallmehero - 7
Use of `build( ... )` with Ecto 3.4+ leads to many association preload warnings
#393 opened by jeremy-hanna - 2
- 3
Building a params_with_assoc provides only FK's but not associated record.
#368 opened by michaelfich - 2
There is no option to pass opts
#382 opened by mojidabckuu - 2
Uniq column error
#385 opened by Adzz - 5
Proposal: Introducing traits
#334 opened by germsvel - 2
build/2 doesn't set parent id
#336 opened by speeddragon - 3
[Question] Load order of related data
#303 opened by zimt28 - 7
values are not strings in string_params_for
#291 opened by tielur - 3
- 9
- 6
Datetime serialization differs between `params_for/2` and `string_params_for/2`
#362 opened by christianjgreen - 3
"Factory is not loaded and could not be found" when trying to use through `mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs`
#353 opened by edwinthinks - 3
insert/2 doesn't work with compound primary keys
#417 opened by joeljuca - 4
- 5
- 9
Constraint error when attempting to insert list with a build association (with sequence)
#373 opened by josephan - 4
Test-only implementation fails
#403 opened by lpender - 3
Inserted data breaks manual test
#409 opened by zoedsoupe - 3
Proposal: Introduce build_lazy/2
#402 opened by germsvel - 1
Insert with assocs fails constraint
#401 opened by ischepin - 3
- 2
- 2
def build/2 defines defaults multiple times
#392 opened by bmfay - 7
Proposal: Allow using ExMachina.Ecto without a repo.
#355 opened by bamorim - 1
- 1
ex_machina + stream_data
#351 opened by ibarchenkov - 4
Remove "only: :test" from README?
#343 opened by dwarner - 2
Support Decimal or other structs being casted in `params_for` / `string_params_for`
#332 opened by sitch - 20
Allow optional `attrs` to be passed to factories
#309 opened by sgtpepper43 - 2
Slow insert when using build/1
#330 opened by speeddragon - 5
- 1
Publish a version to Hex
#306 opened by yordis - 6
undefined function insert_list/2
#305 opened by yordis - 4
- 2
Missing @spec for list sequences
#296 opened by eteubert - 2
- 2
Error on "nested" builds
#293 opened by bbtdev